Sunday, June 16, 2024


Our polling cards arrive for the July 4th election. Voting will be in the village hall between 7 am and 10 pm.  Being a farming community most of the villagers will have cast their ballot by 9 am. We see two more political posters In St Andrews yesterday -  this brings the grand total to three - two for the Lib Dems and one for the Nationalists. Nothing as vulgar as a poster has appeared in any of the windows in the village. The passions raised by this election  are decidedly muted.  France , by contrast, is going to the polls in a way that makes Americas election politics look almost tame.  A man in the French department gives a lunch time talk in which he forecasts that Macron will resign if the far right wins the election that's been called. 

The champagne stocks sold out in the wine merchants. 2500 graduates and their families quaff huge amounts of the stuff. 

The kilt makers seem to have had an excellent summer. In these parts kilts are not going out of fashion.

Through an archway we catch a glimpse of the university great and good heading off for a ceremony to mark the end of the 2024 academic year. You couldn't stage a photo like this if you tried.

A few bars and restaurants still targeting the remaining parents or more probably the last students wanting a slap up dinner before they head home.

Smart plants:

Dark humour. Considering this is Russia and North Korea the 3rd paragraph could have been phrased differently :


Lisa in France said...

I very much enjoyed the TASS release. On the other hand, as a vegetarian, I scrupulously avoid all articles about intelligent plants.

waterdog said...

It seems the weather has been mostly pleasant for the 2024 graduations.
Personally I found the goldenrod article fascinating.
And I chuckled, as I’m sure you did, at the Tass article quote. I can only imagine Putin’s reaction.

rottrover said...

I love a good grammatical error!

Anonymous said...

The third paragraph you referred to had me laughing out loud, which the cats and dog don’t hear very often.

The Life of Riley said...

Instead of asking your Florida friends to pack earplugs, perhaps leave a few bottles of something nice to drink, some good earplugs and a welcome card saying "In case you hear gulls" on the dining table for when they arrive!