Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sgian-dubhs forbidden.

An Italian lady in a fur coat crossing the road ahead of us. She's here for graduation and is talking, animatedly, to her daughter. They've been to the cashmere store. It's quite clear that the Italian lady is cold and not at all happy. She'd expected the weather to be chillier than Turin but 'Mamma Mia ! Not this cold '. 

Lots of parents - and dogs - waiting outside chapel to see the new graduands head off to the morning ceremony. The dogs seem to be more relaxed than their owners.

Saturday night is the graduation Ball. This is as close as it gets to Bacchanalia  here. That last night before student life becomes a thing of the past. A peculiarly Scottish Health and Safety requirement is for attendees not to wear their Sgian-dubhs :

The picture framers have done a jolly job on the old and somewhat drab water colour of the Missel Thrush. The red of the frame is the exact shade of the red of the Rowan berry in the birds beak.


WFT Nobby said...

Cold weather is always a good excuse to visit the cashmere shop!
I'm wondering why obesity rates have shot up so markedly in recent years in Brazil and Argentina.
Slovenia is too small to feature on the graph, but we noticed a marked lack of fat people in that country.
My comment from yesterday disappeared. Did this happen to anyone else?
Cheers, Gail.

The Life of Riley said...

Some students, or locals, have missed the perfect opportunity to make money producing souvineer Sgian-dubhs printed on thick cardboard (with the 2024graduation date on the blade) cut out to match the same size and shape of a metal or plastic one (or sold for gratuates to cut out around the lines) to wear at the ball so they feel dressed in full Scottish attire!

Anonymous said...

I can’t remember the answer exactly, Gail, but National Geograohic had an article in it in the last year. It’s ultra processed food

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Gail, I have frequently found my comments disappear here - a tad frustrating when one has put some consideration into them!

Angus, do you check your spam folder on the Blogger dashboard?

The Thrush has been truly honoured. That framing is perfect. YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

Having been away from the UK for almost 25 years, with no visits for most of that time, I'm told I'd be horrified at the level of obesity in the UK. The rise in fast food outlets, constant food advertising on TV and ability to phone for a pizza or curry at any time must be a contributing factor. No doubt it's the same these days in Brazil and Argentina. The one TV advert that always infuriates me is the one that ends with "Did somebody say let's eat"!

jabblog said...

People eat all the time in the street, on public transport, everywhere. It's habit, not hunger.

Angus said...

WFT - Yam et al - Sorry your comments sometimes get lost but Blogger seems to have good days and bad. It's not just comments. Being able to highlight links is something that the dashboard no longer allows you to do.

sillygirl said...

Beautiful job on the framing of the Thrush. We learned the importance of presentation when we had an artist/friend.

Lisa in France said...

The framing of the thrush is indeed beautiful, the painting certainly doesn't look drab. We watch the French eat and drink with some amazement, but it does seem to work.

Travel said...

I wonder if Google translate covers Scottish?

waterdog said...

The “drab” painting had come to life. Beautiful job!
Chilly days certainly call for a trip to the cashmere store!

Jim Davis said...

The framing on the thrush is a masterpiece.

rottrover said...

Your little town has come alive!

Anonymous said...

I just thought Angus edited me out…