A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it !
This morning the lady at the market gives the PON duo the tiniest piece of goat's cheese with ... a dab of fig compote. Can there be any better way of starting a day ? Bob lies in the kitchen dreaming of chevres and compote and cuisse de canard confite. His tail wags while he's asleep. How happy is that ?
Often when we go to our market, a lad at the cheese counter prepares a special goat cheese with fig compote for a taste and it is quite delicious. No wonder tails are awag!
Your happy dogs, their culinary adventures, and the regular photos of patisserie counters, villages, and countryside have inspired our own summer holiday this year in southwest France--well that and the wine (and hopefully sun). The only downside is that we have to leave our dog Hamish, himself the canine embodiment of good cheer, at home. You should be reimbursed by the French government for your work on their behalf.
Bob is developing some very sophisticated tastes!
He'll be turning his nose up at kibble pretty soon … and demanding caviar ;0)
There will always be room for kibbles.
Sophisticated ? He'd say they just appear out of nowhere !
Ahhhhh cheese. One of life's treasures.
XXXOOO Bella & Roxy
Dat sounds like one tasty dream!
You sure do look content after that yummy treat, Bob!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
Waggy tail dreams, don't they make you laugh.
I just wish we knew what they were dreaming of.
Person or canine, a good way to start a day.
With Bob I'd put money on the fact he's dreaming of food. Come to that I'd say the same for his sister.
Goats cheese and fig compote at seven am ?
Contentment is cheese and compote.
If only there were sausages .
marley ne regarde pas l'ordinateur heureusement car voyant les cuisses de canards,fromage sa queue ferrait mille tourniquets.bonne journée
Bob is a very happy dog...wagging his tail while asleep must be a happy sight.
bob a bon gout marley aime aussi.problemes de traduCTIONS.
Now I am dreaming of delicious roast potatoes.
Not good whilst attempting to adhere to a pre-holiday regime!
My tail would wag over cheese, too, if I had one!
Often when we go to our market, a lad at the cheese counter prepares a special goat cheese with fig compote for a taste and it is quite delicious. No wonder tails are awag!
I'm not sure ''happy'' sums up his approach to life !.
Guess humans drool !
Does he let the four legged ones have a taste ?
This is Florida...no four-leggeds allowed.
that's pretty darned happy!
and the pictures of those two make me happy.
the canard confite ... not so much. but then i have simple tastes!
Your happy dogs, their culinary adventures, and the regular photos of patisserie counters, villages, and countryside have inspired our own summer holiday this year in southwest France--well that and the wine (and hopefully sun). The only downside is that we have to leave our dog Hamish, himself the canine embodiment of good cheer, at home. You should be reimbursed by the French government for your work on their behalf.
He looks very happy indeed!
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