Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Steadfast and true.

We spend the morning collecting mushrooms. There's enough to fill four large bin bags. After a longer than usual lie in Sophie reappears as bright as rain. She's wearing her ' what hallucinogenic mushrooms ? ' face.

Mindful of the night before ( and Sophie's peculiar antics ) Bob displays his 'steadfast and true' big brother attributes. He divides his time between shepherding his flock and checking on his sister.

On our journey through Europe we've dealt with tongue destroying processionary caterpillars, poisonous toads, piroplasmosis bearing ticks, arsenic laced chicken laid down by Italian hunters and discarded organo-phosphate sacks dumped by Umbrian fly tippers. To this list can now be added mood altering mushrooms. A dog owners education is never complete. Thank heavens for the reliable vets who've been there when needed.

With Sophie's speedy and complete recovery all is once again well at The Rickety Old Farmhouse. Noise and mischief reign. 


WFT Nobby said...

So pleased Sophie back to her norma self again.
And isn't Bob a splendid fellow.?

Coppa's girl said...

The recuperative powers of the young - so glad to know that Sophie is back to normal. We hope Sophie knows what a wonderful brother she has.
We notice there is a large caterpillar nest in one of the pine trees overlooking our garden. It's too high to reach, so we'll need to be extra vigilant as there are sure to more elsewhere. Another worry for all us dog owners, there were none last year.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That was quite a haul of mushrooms. Hope you got them all!

Anonymous said...

After a very very worrisome night - we are thrilled to bits to read that SOPHIE is back to her old self. Much relief for her protective brother as well. As for ANGUS and the FONT - fast thinking and action and a wonderful caring VET who could be reached after hours and administer the remedies. All in all, cause for celebration. Cheers to the quartet at the ROF - from the Westcoast of Canada!

Anonymous said...


Julie said...

Glad to hear Sophie is back on top form again

Duke said...

What great news to wake up to. Yay, Sophie☺

VirginiaC said...

Brownie and I have just breathed a sigh of glad that Sophie is better.
I second your motion on having kind caring and reliable vets....what would we dog owners do without them?
My vet has a sweet tooth so I always know what to take for him and staff to show my heart felt appreciation.

VirginiaC said...

Brownie and I just went through the same ordeal. See my thank goodness post....

Poppy Q said...

Nice to see your girl is back to normal and Bob is watching out for her.

serena said...

Angus, I'm so glad your girl is back to her angelic self. I can only imagine what a scare you and The Font had. "Act now, panic later" is the dog owner's mantra that seems particularly fitting for your babes.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Scheesh. And here I was thinking the opossum that Edward treed last night was bad.
So relieved to hear all is well now.

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Good to hear a full recovery has taken place! Dogs eh?

Anonymous said...

Yikes!! I'm glad that there are fewer "fungus among us." Sophie is certainly a equal opportunity gastronome:) God Bless you and your happy, HEALTHY, PONS.

Emm said...

Big sigh of relief here. Glad Diva Sophie is her healthy self again.
Extra ear scritches to Bob for being such a steadfast fellow, and a toast to Angus, the Font and especially M. Le Vet for fast action.

Unknown said...

This is the best news! And Bob and Sophie look ready for a best day ever.

Kari said...

Those mushrooms are wretched things. You pick them from the ground but the part under earth sends out another bloom. You've got your work cut out for you keeping our girl safe. So very relieved Sophie is well.

tammy j said...

long live the little princess and her brave brother! ♥