For Bob the 23rd of March is shaping up to be the best day ever. He's found and liberated his sisters favourite toy.
He proceeds to trot round the garden with it. Head high, toy clamped firmly between his jaws, tail wagging twenty to the dozen. It goes without saying that his sister protests loudly at this oafish behaviour. She does her highly theatrical '' the injustice of it all " routine.
This morning , on our walk, Bob is not only surprised to see horses in the field but flummoxed by the fact they're lying down. Forward motion is delayed while Bob stops and absorbs this new equine behaviour. He is quite uninterested in the news that Bolton has replaced McMaster as National Security Adviser.
The striped wallpaper at the end of the hall was put in place yesterday. There will now be a delay of several days in the decorating work while the ladies of the Women's Cooperative recover from their collective cold. The skirting boards have got as far as an undercoat. Sophie has discovered the dust sheets. She has also discovered the excitement of getting under a dust sheet and dragging it round the house.
So starts another day with two enthusiastic dogs.
Congratulations to the restorers. This room in Windsor Castle burnt down not so long ago and now looks better than ever although the woodwork looks new. The Queen looks increasingly small.

I don't mean to offend anyone but is that a Donald Trump doll that Bob has liberated?
Bertie tends to agree with Bob that horses lying down are of greater interest than the wholly unsurprising fact of another change of staff in the Trump administration.
So far the stripes look good.
But is it smart to decorate on the eve of a war?
Hari OM
I had to look hard - those are subtle stripes - lovely! YAM xx
I think that technically the change of NSA isn't until the 9th of April. There may still be time to finish the decorating before Armageddon. I'm going to be working on my fallout shelter.
It's too bad that the workers from Scotland can't be imported to the ROFH! If the women have the cold I just got over, it's a 2 week process...
I would like to be Bob.
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