There must be a God. As 'The Font' turns out of the hotel car park ( leaving behind the increasingly merry thoracic surgeons ) a snowplough comes by. The cheery driver winds down his window and says he's going to the motorway. When he turns off another snowplough immediately appears and goes to within ten miles of the airport.
Calls to the German airlines reservations number are met with that helpful line " How should we know if the flight is going tomorrow ? ". After three hours of calls a seat is found on a Saturday lunchtime flight. Angus so wants to tell the reservations staff to brush up on their people skills - but doesn't.
In Edinburgh the large American hotel 'The Font' is staying in overnight has run out of milk. Stranded mid-westerners have caused a 'run' on the milk stocks. They're a pint of milk with lunch crowd. Fresh supplies haven't made it through the snow. On Princes Street Starbucks is out of paper cups. Starbucks without cups ! : Nothing like a blizzard to show how thin the veneer of civilization really is .
In between phone calls to the airline Bob and Sophie get walked, chase the collared doves ( who being safely out of reach ignore them ), stare at the cats on The Old Farmers terrace and enjoy the sunshine.
For dinner Angus makes a ham and cheese omelette. He also boils up some pasta and mixes it with a can of tuna. Bob and Sophie are of the opinion that overdone omelette and soggy tuna flavoured pasta are a new height in culinary sophistication. Definitely the best day ever !
Love the comment that says " It must be a very bad news day if an aeroplane landing at an airport hits the headlines " :
Glad to hear the Font is back safely and that the Pons enjoyed the Angus food. It is a bit scary how quickly food and supplies can run out in bad weather.
Glad that service is about to resume normality at the ROF.
News editors used to love weather stories--there's something about all those stats and the chance to run pictures of children in the snow or whatever.
Are these pint of milk with lunch mid-westerners the same ones making free with the Johnny Walker at breakfast?
No. The milk drinkers are the ones who took the airline up on the offer of super cheap airfares without spending any time on thinking why air fares to the far North of Europe in February might be such a 'bargain'.
I know you will both be relieved when the Font is safely home; my daughter got stranded in NYC last night - her early afternoon flight was cancelled, then she actually got ON a plane to a different destination, then that plane sat on the runway for a while before they gave up and de-planed everyone. After a full day at the airport, she was lucky to find a hotel room back in the city...
Hari Om
A three-day hiccup which will be added to the stats and brought out for comparisons in future 'worst evers'. The PONs may be glad to have the Font back in the kitchen, but not quite as much as Angus, I suspect. YAM xx
It's best to stay home between December and February...
If they’re from the mid-west, they just paid a lot of money to go from one snow storm to another😳
For those of you that do not live in the south US, Angus’ story is what happens here, at the mention of SNOW ! It does not matter if we get 3 snow flakes or 12 inches of snow. The word alone, is enough to instill fear in the hardiest of us.
I see that snow is forecast for Georgia tonight - presumably that's northern Ga. Atlanta traffic in snow must be a joy.
It's when it stretches into March that it catches you out !
Angus's competence in the kitchen has never extended beyond that of a 17 year old student, so yes. There will be much rejoicing on the restoration of normal service from the 2 and 4 legged.
LaGuardia and JFK in a snow storm - delightful havens of calm civility ! Not.
Snow in Scotland is newsworthy in the way that RAiN in Southern California is! And people drive like lunatics! The new phone takes wonderful PON pictures :-)
What a perfect and timely escort for The Font! Angus is expanding his culinary skills in The Font's absence. And I see you've had snow! So have we on the coast of Northern California. Stephanie (Jo)
I'm relieved my Lab. doesn't read your blog, Angus. She would be so jealous of the culinary masterpieces that you are feeding the PON's in 'The Font's' absence. A few pieces of broccoli, peas, and slivers of carrot on diet kibble are in no way as exotic as overdone omelette, soggy tuna and pasta !
Have never had the dogs criticize any food....another of their great characteristics.
Sophie falls into the 'as long as it's not a tomato I'll eat it' category. Bob is altogether more wary.
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