Sunday, June 16, 2019

Grown up ices.

A run of grey, chill mornings. We opened the pool two weeks ago but it's been too cold to venture in. Sophie joins me as I check the pH balance. She ponders whether a third-party candidate will take some of the anti-Trump vote and upend the electoral college results. Before giving me an answer her train of thought is interrupted. She shrieks, leaps onto her feet  and chases after an audacious collar dove that's wandering across the lawn. Politics can wait.

There is a very friendly young black labrador in the village. It's at the '' what fun to chase cars " age. I stop and walk him home. The PONs, in the back of the car, maintain a running  commentary on these unfolding events .

At the supermarket they've got a promotion on paella dishes.

The new cafe does a roaring trade in Indian Naan cheese wraps.

Angus buys some grown up ices from the frozen food store. Grapefruit and blood orange or lemon, lime and ginger flavours. Surely the sun must come out sometime ?

There aren't many houses to be seen :

And then there's this :


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Hope you can enjoy those ices, but the pool, in the near future.

Lisa in Tokyo said...

Picard has just arrived in Tokyo, and one has opened down the hill from our building. Your ices look very enticing, so I hope they will decide to sell them here! Cherry's back home now, but still not quite back to her usual self. I'm not sure if it's a carryover from the anesthesia or maybe some pain where the excision was done - I wonder why they don't prescribe painkillers for dogs? She will get her stitches out on Friday.

WFT Nobby said...

Interesting headwear etiquette at the Notre Dame mass. Would be interesting to know the theological basis for not wearing hard hats when taking Holy Communion!
Those grown-up ices look very tempting, and I think that even here in Aberdeen, the weather is improving...
Cheers, Gail.

Linda said...

I see the misplaced apostrophe - "naan's" has made it to France! Why oh why do people think apostrophe + s after a noun means plural rather than 'belonging to'? The end of civilisation is nigh.

Angus said...

Angels guard thee from falling rafters ?

Angus said...

Sorry to hear about Cherry. Hope things are better soon. I thought that Sophie had painkillers after her two knee ops but am told that I'm imagining it. Guess bets think dogs have a higher pain threshold. Roll on Friday. Is she in a collar ? You can be sure our thoughts are with you !

Angus said...

Or vets

Angus said...

The sun has just popped out !

Poppy Q said...

I hope you get some iceblock weather soon.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Enjoyed the Ben-Strom flight; very peaceful. I too find an appeal in your 'adult ices'! YAM xx

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Reading through the comments this morning and will add to this string my best healing vibes for Cherry. I'll also add that dogs are given pain medication - Gabapentin is the medication of choice these days, but I've also given others through the years. My senior dogs would not be able to get through their days without it. Max also had it after his knee surgeries, so you may be remembering correctly.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I hope that Lab stays safe! One of Todd's littermates lost his life chasing cars - Sophie knows that never happens when you chase a dove or a cat!

Grown-up ices or "popsicles" as we call them have taken on a whole new meaning here with beef broth ices/popsicles that are mixed with coconut milk, raspberry and pomegranate juice and maple sugar on the scene for summer. I'll stick to the traditional flavors.

Angus said...

Bob decided to chase a car and fractured a tooth so we're now hyper alert to car chasing hounds !

Lisa in Tokyo said...

Thank you both for your kind thoughts. Luckily, Cherry does not have to wear the dreaded Elizabethan collar, as the stitches are on her neck and she can reach them. She seems to be feeling a little better tonight. Certainly hasn't lost her appetite in any event.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Please add my get well wishes for Cherry, to the list.

Emm said...

That flight to Stornoway is wonderful. A good lesson in Western Isles geography, and I had no idea there was a regular airline operating up that way. From the air, it reminds me a bit of Labrador.