Monday, November 25, 2019

Bob. The family fellow. 2013-2019

  • He was the dog from central casting - fluffy, affable and a magnet for mischief.
  • He made us laugh all day, every day.
  • He was as stubborn as a mule. He could - and would - ignore commands by feigning complete and absolute deafness.
  • He viewed the post lady as his nemesis.
  • He would always look you right in the eye.
  • He understood that if you stare at a door long enough it would open.
  • At 5.55 every morning he would place a cold wet nose in his masters ear. A signal that the best day ever was starting and that we shouldn't miss a moment of it - together.
  • He steadfastly refused to stay up a minute later than ten pm.
  • If he wanted something he would come and rest his chin on your knee. 
  • When he was really happy he would snort with delight.
  • He loved Brussel Sprouts.
  • On dry mornings he would sit with his flock on the storm drain and put the world to rights. He was a better listener than communicator but his role was none the less valued.
  • Squirrels were to be chased with 100% head back, ears flying, tail waving enthusiasm.This was not a good hunting technique but he believed stealthiness to be vastly overrated. 
  • We pretended he'd been well trained. He pretended he'd been trained. His independence and doggedness were never in question. 
  • By mutual consent the puppy hood adventure in the shoe cupboard was never referred to again.
  • Somehow he never quite understood that his nose was soft and a hedgehogs spines hard.
  • He had a stump seat by the gate from where he'd view passing travellers. Most would be greeted, some would be ignored and a few would be growled at. It's as if he could judge the kindness in their souls, or lack of it, and respond accordingly. We came to recognize his skill in these judgments.
  • At bath times he would hide under an upstairs bed. The thwack thwack thwack of his tail always gave his place away. 
  • The vacuum cleaner was the devils spawn and had to be avoided at all costs.
  • He always employed a ' Why walk when you can run ? ' philosophy to life.Sometimes he'd get so excited he'd trip over his own feet. We called this his soft shoe shuffle routine.
  • C-A-T-S required constant vigilance.
  • He knew the word for biscuit in 84 languages .
  • He employed an aw-shucks farm boy charm with the girls at the bakery. Sometimes he got choux pastry slivers. He was often told he was handsome. This is a great endorsement for the aw-shucks routine.
  • Horse manure was always to be rolled in.
  • Fishing for minnows in the small stream required intense concentration and a confluence of mind / motor coordination he lacked. This never deterred him.
  • A shared croissant end was the height of sophistication.
  • He was known by name to the local rugby club, the man with the hot dog caravan, all the village pre-schoolers and most of the villagers. Quite an accomplishment for a six year old Polish sheepdog boy.
  • He liked to sit at the front door head out, rump in. In winter this was a position designed to let warm air flow out of the house and cold air to gust in.
  • His single greatest joy in life was a power walk round the lake with 'The Font'. A time of complete fulfilment when he could both guard and herd. A true multi-tasker.
  • The idea that 'it's too wet to go out' was a notion he completely failed to understand. 
  • There wasn't a puddle he wouldn't drink from.
  • He would sit under the large oak and watch the sunrise  and sunset.
  • He loved and was loved and will be missed. 


Poppy Q said...

Bob xxx

Anonymous said...

Just before bedtime here on the Westcoast of Canada........checking ANGUS' words one last time before turning in. With hope that there would be some good news about BOB. Instead, a tribute that befitted the beloved Family Fellow. A fellow that we had all fallen completely in love with. He will be so sorely missed. By his family of course. And the villagers. And all of us........all of us with so much sadness this morning. Please know, dearest ANGUS, the FONT, and SOPHIE that our hearts have broken along with yours. The point-by-point tribute was BOB himself. Au revoir dearest fellow.

Peter and Shelagh said...

We are so very sorry.RIP Bob..

vΓ©ronique Perez said...

Oh beloved boy, you made me cry... For the first time in five years. I love you so so much.
I saw you in June, and gave you a toy.
All my thoughts to you Angus, the Font, and sweet Sophie.
Veronique from Brittany

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Angus.
This is a beautiful tribute, but Bob, dear Family Fellow (and your family extended far beyond the Rickety Old Farmhouse and right around the world), why did you have to leave us too soon?
Like many readers of this blog, I am distraught.
Bob we loved you and will miss you so much.
Angus, the 'Font' and Sophie, we're thinking of you and sending more love.
Gail and Bertie.

Lisa in Tokyo said...

I never met Bob, but I loved him, thanks to you. I'm so very sorry for all of you. As Gail says, it was much too soon.

Angus said...

Veronique - Merci. The toy you brought him went with him to the hospital and will go with him on the next stage of his journey.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Such a character. Remember when you went to see him and his sister and when you made the decision that they were ‘the ones.’

Sadness here as I head back to Oz today. Will hug the dogs extra when reunited. We salute the honourable Bob.

Charlotte said...

I will write later.

Elle Clancy said...

Oh, Angus. My heart is broken. May you see Bob on the other side. ♥

serena said...

My sister and I are in tears. Sweet Bob and Sophie have been a special part of every morning and we will miss Bob terribly. We are sending our love and prayers to Bob's family. May you be comforted.

Duke said...

Our hearts are breaking for all of you. We are so very sorry. Hugs♥

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I've no words for the loss of your family fellow who was adored by so many like me who got to know him because you shared him with us. Across the Atlantic, I am sharing Bob's loss with you. And as he makes his journey to the next life to be met by the other family fellows, Wilf and Digby that have gone before him - Where as you said at Digby's passing, "there will be laughter and mischief in heaven tonight."

God speed Bob.

Kathie said...

I know that tears are flowing all over the wonderful community that has fallen so deeply in love with Bob and Sophie. Angus, you have brought so much joy to so many of us with your beautiful sharing of your life with these two wonderful companions. Thank you and thank you Bob, you will be sorely missed by us all.

Luisa Vasconcelos said...

Ohhhhhh I'm so so so sorry πŸ’œπŸ’œ. Our pets are our babies, our sons and daughters.

Mo said...

I am so very sorry for your loss of Bob. Bob was the protector of his flock and the best big brother Sophie ever had. His loving morning kisses always started his day telling her that he loved her no matter what.

Thank you Bob for showing us how to love and live the best day ever.

suej said...

I'm sitting here crying. He will indeed be sorely missed. I hope Wilf and Digby are there to meet him as he heads off on his new adventure. It has been a joy and an honour to have accompanied him through his life via your words Angus. Thank you.

Susan said...

Tears are flowing here as I know is the same there and all over the world for those who love your furry ones and you two as well. Thank you for sharing your time with him, I have loved your posts. Thank you for showing grace and sharing a most wonderful tribute. Thoughts and prayers still with you, The Font, and Sophie.

Pam in NH said...

We in NH are so very sorry for your terrible loss. Bob was widely known and will always remain loved by all.
Sending our love to you and the Font...and dear Sophie.

paule caillou said...

ici en lorraine les larmes coulent aussi.merci bob

liparifam said...

Sobbing as I write. Dear Bob - did the sweet boy make it home for the end? I can hardly comprehend that he is gone; it will take time to let the reality sink in. He taught us all to seize the day with his joie de vivre. He was just a sweet, happy, loving soul who enjoyed everything - you have to know he even enjoyed the heck out of that X$#@*** walnut. When we adopt a dog, we know from the very beginning that they will break our hearts, it's only a matter of time. Godspeed Bob - it was just way too soon... Wishing you, the Font and Sophie peace and strength.

Iza said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. He was such a good boy. I'll miss him very much. I'm sending you all and Sophie good thougths.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful tribute to Bob as a pall of grief and sadness hang over us all from the tragic death of this beloved boy the world over. The ROF always seemed like a canine Camelot where joy, play, love and curly end croissants reigned supreme. Poison and death were never meant to invade the idyllic and "best life ever" world of Bob and Sophie. We are so sorry for your loss of Bob and we send our love and heartfelt condolences to you, the Font and Sophie.

Susan said...

So sorry for your loss. I have loved to read the daily updates on the Dynamic Duos antics. I hope Sophie will adjust smoothly.

suej said...

Angus, The Font, Sophie and all those whose lives have been touched by this wonderful dog - my heart aches for you.

opakowana said...

My heart is broken.

Millie and Walter said...

We are so sad to read this news but you paint a beautiful tribute to your Family Fellow. We send warm hugs to all his family.

Sheila said...

I was so saddened to read the news of Bob's passing. I can only imagine the how you and the font must feel. Please accept my sincere condolences.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bob, RIP. You brought joy and smiles to your "fan Community" with just the way you were. Angus and "the Font", my thoughts are with you and with Miss Sophie. Luzia from Basel

Anonymous said...

Good night sweet Bob.
Bea from MA

Maudie said...

Dear Angus,
I am so very sad - as all are who knew or knew of Bob. Such an amazing and inspiring fellow. I carried his joie with me and many times during a day heard myself repeat " the best day ever". I found myself reassured about the world after a drainage pipe tete a tete. And we can only hope to open ourselves to the world with such enthusiasm and aways protect our loved ones as he did. Thank you for sharing him with us.
My thoughts remain with you, the Font and Sophie.

sillygirl said...

Too soon. My grief joins yours.

mhgardendogs said...

May Bob enjoy doggie Valhalla as much as he embraced life. Some of the best dogs I have known are ready to welcome him.

Barb in Texas said...

the world was, and is, a better place because Bob was here- he will remain in many happy memories of the charming 'family fellow'- may he have happy adventures in this new chapter- peace and comfort to you and to Sophie-
Barb in Texas

Anonymous said...

So sad. Will miss you, Bob. My sincere condolences. Lynn in IL

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

I am so incredibly sorry to read this. Bob - we love you over here on the Canadian prairies. You will remain forever in our hearts.

Angus and The Font - I am truly sorry.

Dianna x

Linda said...

Sweet Dreams Bob.

Astro and Mitzie
Seattle, WA

Anonymous said...

From deepest Connecticut, sympathy and love to you and the Font and Sophie. Our dogs always break our hears, but we continue to love as if they will live forever. Which they do! I'm a believer in the Rainbow Bridge, otherwise how could we bear it? Imagine the joy when you are reunited again someday.

Camille said...

A heartbreaking day. How we all so hoped for a miracle but sadly, it was not to be. He will be so very much missed. Much more than my words can express. It's a remarkable tribute to Bob that he has a worldwide family also deeply mourning his loss today. Sending much love to you Angus, the 'Font' and Sophie. Rest in peace dear Bob. X

Taste of France said...

Oh no! The world is sadder today. Poor Sophie, who must be so bewildered.

Cheryl Pass said...

Lots of tears here ...for losing Bob and for your family. I know your loss too well from losing one of ours this past summer. I never heard of this walnut malady until this....but curses and damn it, so unfair! I hope Sophie can pick up the pieces. I know she and you all will be missing him dreadfully. Heart felt sympathies from sorry!

Anonymous said...

Here in Baltimore, Maryland we FOB(Fan's of Bob) mourn Bob's passing, but thank him for his joyful, steadfast companionship and adventures. Prayers of comfort for you, the Font and Sophie at the ROF. Thanks for the memories, Bob!!!

Climbingmandy said...

We are devastated to hear your news - we'd been holding out for a miracle. A very poignant post encapturing the essence of Bob. Thank you for all the adventures shared through the blog - we all feel we knew Bob. His family was global. There will be many tears today.
Amanda, Harris & Horatio

Susan said...

Such sad news. Bob was a remarkable dog, loved all over the world, thanks to your blog and delight in sharing him.

Kittypup said...

Tears flowing. So very sorry. Sending much love to you all and special special hugs to dear Sophie xx

Fay said...

Hi cold wet nose, early in the much a part of life.... His daily antics have helped start my day with joy. He as a wonderful pooch. I am so very sorry for you three. God speed, Bob. Run free.

waterdog said...

Dear Angus and the Font and Sophie too,
Here in Maryland We always start our day with the ROF philosophy or daily outlook. Bob will be terribly missed. Everyone on this blog has so eloquently expressed the same feelings that we are experiencing here in our house. Best wishes as you console Sophie and carry on. We will mis the antics of the Family Fellow. RIP.

EAS said...

Angus and The Font - Please find comfort in the knowledge that Bob touched hearts across oceans and continents. Thank you for sharing this sweet boy with all of us. Extra hugs and yogurt pots to Sophhie so that she may be temporarily distracted from her great loss. You are still in my thoughts and prayers.

impguin finnell said...

My co-workers and I start each day with checking in to see what your wonderful PONs have been up to. With office morale iffy most days, your pups bring a smile of delight at their antics. We here in Louisville, KY will miss Bob greatly. Please give Sophie an extra big hug from all of us.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
... all the words in the world... and none...
Cheri Bob - run free on that next level.
Sophie - mourn, then lay new territory for yourself.
Angus and "Font" - ... Love.
That's all.
YAM xx
(am I allowed to be crying like this, so far and unknown as I am?????????)

Anonymous said...

“It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enought, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.”

― Unknown Author

this is the one thought that always gave us comfort when we lost a beloved friend from the dog world. So sad for you and can indeed empathize with your loss.

Angus said...


Milodog said...

Heartbroken. Sending you Angus, the Font and especially Sophie much love from deepest Wiltshire. Sleep tight Bob πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Sheila said...

I see that another Sheila commented earlier; this one has been unable to find the words and to see through the tears. Thanks to you, Angus, Bob and Sophie have become so much a daily part of our lives. So loved by so many. And now Bob has left us so suddenly that it's hard accept. I hope it is a comfort to you and 'The Font' to know that we deeply grieve with you. And, Sophie, I wish there was a way we could all comfort you.

Charlotte said...

I have a BEAUTIFUL AIRBRUSH IMAGINE A man in one of my Westie groups that was πŸ™πŸ» for Bob. He did in Loving Memory of Bob. He asked me to get it to you. I can't download it there doesn't seem to be away.
Could you give me someway to email it to you❓I am sorry to ask at this time. I think you would love to see it and maybe frame it sometime.

10NISNE1 said...

My heart is breaking for everyone at the Rickety Old Farmhouse. I'm certain Bob was met at the rainbow bridge by Wilf and Digby. Such a special fellow who will be missed by many.

Coppa's girl said...

Angus, what a wonderful tribute to the much loved family fellow, and from his many followers. Many tears, and sadness here, too. Bob was so loved by us all that I feel as though I've lost my own boy.
Deepest sympathy to you all at ROF, and a big, big, hug for poor Sophie. Thinking of you and hope that you will, in time, find comfort in so many happy memories.

Susan said...

Bob was a beloved dog friend to all of us. Thank you for sharing his adventures. My heart goes out to you, as you grieve the loss of your wonderful companion.

Anonymous said...

We are heartbroken with you. There just aren't enough words. We read your blog daily and so loved hearing about the dynamic duos' antics and adventures. Crying tears of grief and saying prayers for all of you, especially Sophie who will have to soldier on without her beloved oaf of a brother. Rest in peace, sweet, sweet Bob. Your time here was much too short. You will be loved and missed forever! ��������������
--Gigi, Mark, Mitzi and Emmy in California

GaynorB said...

A heartfelt and loving tribute to Bob and everything he brought to your lives.
Thinking of Angus, the 'Font' and Sophie as you adjust to life without him. Life won't be the same, but you will have wonderful memories, as will we.
RIP, Bob.

Jean said...

Thank you for the gift of Bob and his antics written for us. I loved him. Best Wishes.

JoBarn said...

So sorry. I feel the loss as well.

Mary said...

Thank you for sharing Bob with all of us. My heart aches for Sophie, The Font and you, Angus. May your wonderful memories of Bob always bring a smile.

Pia said...

So sorrys for your loss. Auf Wiedersehen Bob, you made me smile a lot, run free good boy!

Anonymous said...

An overwhelming sadness today felt today by all who follow your blog. My deepest condolences to all the the ROF. If you do not mind my asking, but did Bob's illness happen while he was at the kennels?

E Snook said...

Oh no, poor Bob. My sympathies to Sophie, the Font, and Angus on your loss. It may seem surprising to some that I can be so sad at the loss of a dog I didn't know in person and never got to give a pat to (I think maybe he would have been suspicious of me anyway because I'm not in his flock). But I'm sure none of the readers of your blog think so. Sad we are here on the east coast of Canada. Bob was a good, good dog. How is the world going to be set right without Bob to sit with Angus for a moment in the morning to look out over that valley in southern France? He will be missed. Special hugs to Sophie. And every time there's a curly croissant end to pass on to a dog we'll think of him and try to make it the best day ever.

The Life of Riley said...

Dear Angus, the Font and Sophie,

I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot even begin to imagine how you are feeling. Many tears here in NZ because sadly, Bob's body was "here for a good time, not for a long time" but the love that your family fellow gave you and the wonderful memories he gifted (which you kindly shared with us through your blog) will endure.

In finding you and the Font, Bob (and also Sophie) found the best home ever - the kind of home that many dogs can only dream about - where you did your best to make every day he had "the best day ever". You have written a wonderful tribute to your rug surfing family fellow,and we too will remember Bob's far too short life with love and much gratitude for all the smiles he gave us over the last six years.

F, Riley and Enzo.

vΓ©ronique Perez said...

Thank you Angus for letting me know this. Je suis très touchée.
All my thoughts are with you.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Everything you related in your loving tribute to Bob, is what I will remember most about him. As time passes I know other fond memories will surface! Bob will be greatly missed but never forgotten by his world wide community. Sending heart felt hugs for each of you.

Jan said...

Angus and the Font,
I'm so sorry to hear the sad news. Losing a companion like Bob is a heart breaking loss.

Snoskred said...

There are no words at a time like this. I will simply say hugs and much love to you all.

Abby and Mom said...

Angus, my heartfelt thoughts go to You, The Font and of course Sophie. Your blog has been my go to each and every day for the past 5 years. I must admit, Bob has been my favorite … he won me over by moving the planet magnets each morning on the dishwasher setting the entire universe to rights.
God will Bless Bob, he was a good and faithful fellow that brought joy to all of us around the world.
Mom & Abby from Ohio

The Bougalou Bear said...

Oh "Bub"! Now, who's going to set the world to right ?
Angus, The Font and Sophie, quiet tears are being shed in Toronto tonight.
Adieu dear Bob. Boska PrΔ™dkoΕ›Δ‡!

dustbunny8 said...

In a year filled with shitty news all over the world I have to say the loss of one small Polish sheep dog in France ranks right up there with the worst.I Know no words of comfort can help really but he was loved by many.Tears for you fellow animal lovers and dear Sophie.A good journey Bob from time into eternity.

catherine said...

Such is the extent of the web, that, in Sydney, there is a French woman grieving for a special dog. Bob will be terribly missed by many people around the world. Catherine

Judi said...

Our sweet Bob.

Judi in KC

KB said...

Oh no... sweet sweet Bob. I've been following along silently for years. I am so very sorry that you had to say goodbye to your big-hearted fellow so early in his life.

Anonymous said...

I too have avidly followed. "this is your country Bob" …
this was so sudden. I feel that someone has knocked me to the ground.
sobs have finally subsided. my darlin' Bob. yes. you were and are loved. for always.

Liz Hamblyn said...

I too echo the thoughts and comments from all over the world. Bob touched a piece of all our hearts, and he will be missed more than you and I will ever know. I personally looked forward to reading of his and his sister's simple adventures in a place I have never been to. I even cursed daylight saving because it meant your blog was an hour later in my blog feeder. Rest in peace Bob over in the place we believe all dogs go, the Rainbow bridge. Liz in New Zealand.

Poppy Q said...

I had to write again,reading about Bob made me cry yesterday morning and evening. I even shed some tears walking home tonight. Thank you for sharing his fabulous life with all of us. You gave him a beautiful home full of love and we were all touched by his best days ever. You also gave him a dignified end, choosing to not let him linger in pain. It is at the time such a hard decision to make, but in the end it is the only kind choice.

Hugs to you all.

Julie Q

MOPL said...

So very, very sorry for your loss. What a wonderful fellow was he. He touched so many and his like will not be repeated. Stay safe on the other side young Bob until we all meet again.

MOPL said...

I am in Australia and know exactly what you mean. He will be missed.

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

After a few days away from blogland I only caught up with the story tonight and I am bereft... I didn't even realise initially that the tribute was about losing Bob at first - the reality hit me hard and I have read back feverishly in floods of tears. Too soon... far too soon. I can see you are loved and supported on here as we all mourn for darling Bob and recognise the depth of the loss you three are experiencing.
I will always remember his lop sided smile and soft shoe shuffling and will look for a special picture of him to add to my Wilf and Digby screensaver collection - they may be gone but definitely not forgotten. <3

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Sorry for you loss.

Sarah C said...

Tears and more tears, as I read such heartfelt words about the family fellow. I am a longtime yet silent follower. Reading your blog — always a few moments of the day that I cherish for the wit and the perspective and the joys of the greatest day ever, and Bob has long played a part. Sending so much love to all of you.

Wheelingit said...

I've been behind on reading your blog, so this is coming late, but I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. Our furry family wind their ways into our hearts, and always stay with us even after their gone. May your boy fly free.

VirginiaC said...

Dear Angus and Madame Font, I am so sorry to read of Bob's passing.
The tears are rolling down my face. I am so angry with myself for being too busy to check in more.
Today I had a moment and I checked in with my favourite blog and I am unable to absorb this loss.
You have my dearest and sincerest sympathy.
He was such a darling fellow and very dear to my heart.
Rest in peace dear will be remembered fondly.
With lots of love from Virginia and Brownie and Girlie in Barbados.

VirginiaC said...

Please give Sophie a warm and loving hug from us here...she must be missing her brother like crazy.