Sophie is harnessed up for our morning excursion to the local bakers. While Angus searches for the car keys she takes the opportunity to catch up with her sleep. Sophie has turned impatience into an art form.
We meet the old mayor. 300 face masks are to be delivered to the village. No date has been given for when they'll arrive. Our little corner of paradise is not a priority when it comes to allocations. The kids will need to wear face masks in class when they go back to school. I'm betting the two tikes are hoping that the masks will arrive sometime next year.... or even better the year after. It also seems that we will be allowed to go shopping up to 60 miles away if we have masks. Quite what the purpose of that is escapes me. It does however mean the Volvo can be taken to Toulouse for its annual service. This will hopefully stop the disembodied voice telling me that a service is due ' Immediately. Contact your garage Now !' every time I turn on the ignition.
In addition it seems the country will be divided into infection hotspots ( red zones ) and low risk areas ( green zones ). Travel between the two will be regulated. Looking at the lane this morning I'm betting we'll be a green zone.
Strange triffid like plants are sprouting on the lawn. Angus carefully cuts around them.
Some of this is amusing. Some of it's over the top. but it beats the DVD of Portlandia that we started to watch last night :
I'd like to see comparisons with Taiwan and South Korea ( and Oz and New Zealand ) but they would be embarrassing :