Saturday, June 6, 2020

His own divination.

Loic, the heavily bifocaled gardener, comes to 'help'.  There are no leaves to blow at this time of the year so he decides to 'tidy up' the barn. The cat who has taken to sleeping on top of the log pile is not pleased. It rushes off pursued by Sophie. Loic is allowed on the lawn tractor for twenty hair raising minutes. He leaves happy. At the gate he turns and shouts out ' I'll be back on Friday '.  By then the grass may have recovered.

By the time Angus and Sophie get back from our walk along the ridge to the donkey field the pool man has arrived. The pool man follows a schedule of his own divination. He shows up some time early in the summer and reappears at the end of the season. Who knows what he does in between times ? His arrival is unannounced and therefore unexpected. Experience has taught me to have all the pool chemicals ready and on hand for his seasonal appearance. I am always surprised how much a visit from the pool man costs. He always shows up on a rainy day.

The village seems to have embarked on a battle of the flowers. The woman at the house by the village green and her neighbour in the cottage across the road have entered into some sort of escalatory flower planter competition. The end result is a mass of blooms in clashing colours -  what the Scots would call 'cheery'.

Dental jobs are coming back :

This is a very English and very calming sound  :


WFT Nobby said...

All those perfect American teeth don't just happen by magic!

Poppy Q said...

I like a pot of bright petunias in the summertime. Nice of the neighbors to brighten up the village.

You are so lucky to have a pool. It must be refreshing on the hot summer days ahead. Does Sophie swim?


Angus said...

Sophie considers water in all its forms to be a work of the devil - the exception being fishing, ineptly, for minnows in the stream.

Tigger's Mum said...

Sophie is clearly well informed when it comes to water - never understood the attraction myself. We have noticed travelling in France that village have 'fleurie' ratings; some of their displays are truly spectacular especially when chrysanthemums are flowering. A friend of F's used to hold that 'you can't clash colours in a garden'. We are not sure she's right, there are definitely gardens and 'gardens', but 'cheery' is welcome everywhere.

Tigger's Mum said...

Oh, and that music was beautiful. Thank you

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yes, lovely singing... and bright and cheery flowers are much needed now, one feels... YAM xx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

I guess everyone benefits from the flower contest.