Thursday, December 22, 2022

Christmas song #19

'Scottish' weather. During our morning walk we go from overcast, to stormy, to bright sunshine and then back to overcast. The background temperature remains at the 'refreshing' end of the scale. Sophie is in her element.

We take a different route today. The farmer has ploughed the potato field down by the Salt Lake. One of the villagers Cocker Spaniels ate some old potatoes that had been thrown to the surface and had to go to the vets for a x-ray. His dog's now fine although the dreaded word 'bloat' was heard. The owner came to our door last night  to warn us of this unexpected  potato danger. We thank him. The camaraderie of dog owners.

The ice cream parlour is open and a solitary figure can be seen outside having a breakfast peach melba. We used to go there ( nearly half a century ago when we were students ) for a 'treat' . We certainly wouldn't go there at this hour of the morning and we most certainly wouldn't have been sitting outside having a peach melba . How tastes change. 

An empty town is wonderful. In term time you would sin to get a parking space near the shops. Now  with the students gone they're ten a penny. The only time it gets busy is around two and again around six thirty when the theatre is putting on Snow White. The pantomime attracts crowds of parents ( and I mean crowds )  desperate to find something to keep their toddlers occupied. I have a feeling some families are repeat visitors.

The electricians fitted the German downlighters . They look better than great. The security light over the door isn't fitted and will have to wait for the New Year. ' Sorry Pal. We've got an emergency call out with a dicky boiler ' they say before driving off. The carpet fitter also arrived. They took up the old carpet and started to put down the new underlay when they noticed that they'd brought the wrong sized 'grippers'. They will return this morning to finish off. 

The Christmas pudding is due to be delivered today and the turkey tomorrow. Some cushions, ordered in Annapolis three days ago, arrive in the morning post. Things from London take a week due to the Christmas 'rush' but they get here across the Atlantic in no time. Go figure.

Christmas song #19. A nun conducts :


WFT Nobby said...

I'm thinking an early morning outdoor peach melba is very much a minority taste in mid-winter Scotland...
Looking forward to pictures of the new carpet.

Coppa's girl said...

Peach melba for breakfast - no, not something on a cold December morning.
Looking forward to photos of the improvements, especially the new carpet!
Sophie would hate it here - currently 18º and it's only just after 10a.m.! Your last photo looks distinctly chilly with slush on the paths.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
(very slight jaw clench) am awaiting two items I know to have been posted with the UK at a fortnight ago... one of them I know to be first class. Nothing first class about our postal service let me rant... That rendition of Veni Emmanual goes a long way to calming nerves. YAM xx

Lisa in France said...

Sophie is looking stalwart today. I loved today's Christmas song, especially the bass note towards the end. Congratulations on what sounds like a lot of progress on the house. We are having our last few weeks of normality here, before launching on the hard work of the move, but it is reassuring to look forward to ordering carpets and cushions for the new place a few months down the road.

Travel said...

At least one of you has found a little slice of heaven on earth, thanks for sharing.

Fay said...
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Fay said...

I, too, like this particular rendition of today's carol. We loved winter during our 20 years in Sausalito No tourists, lots of "space" (people take up a lot of room in a small area!) for dog walking, quiet times, and easy, if expensive, parking. BTW, my orders from London arrive faster than from anywhere in the United States.

Kippy said...

Three calming things this morning, the furnace working (it is below freezing outside), reading your blog and lovely singing of Veni Emmanuel.
I ordered a Christmas gift midNovember from Target, have gotten four delayed shipping notices. As of now, that item will arrive end of December.

rottrover said...

As I glanced at that last picture, I said, outloud, "my god it looks cold there!!" Sophie is surely in her element. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of the carpet AND the lights!