A hearty ' Good Morning' to one and all from Sophie who has woken with a spring in her step. Life for a family diva is wonderful... simply wonderful.
This morning Sophie is modelling her 'Country PON' look.
Yesterday saw a start of day funeral for an old village lady. Held early so the farmers can pay their respects, have a wee dram and still get to do the bulk of a days work . 100% turnout plus every tradesman who's ever worked on her cottage and the nurse and the ambulance drivers. The male mourners in white shirt, suit and black tie. The women in black hat and coat. I thought the French were formal about funerals but small Celtic communities excel. The weather bright, mild and sunny. Not what you'd expect a few days before Christmas. At the end the Minister stands by the grave , looks upwards and says 'So she passed over and the trumpets sounded for her on the other side'. At this exact moment a rainbow stretches across the eastern sky . The timing is remarkable. The minister will be conducting the village carol service tonight. Attendance will also be high.

The carpet fitters show up again. They should be finished by later this morning. They have pre-cut the carpet into sections so that it can be laid quickly.
The Christmas pudding and mince pies are delivered - they're only a day late. FedEx are entrusted with the turkey which is on its way and is scheduled to arrive at lunchtime. The St.Joseph from Guigal has cleared customs but neither the vintner nor the shippers seem to know where it now is. The retired couple who live at the crossroads - he has Parkinsons, has a tendency to wander and is forever being retrieved and driven home by passing villagers - have put up their Christmas lights. I shall post a picture when I can. Suffice it to say the lights are 'cheery' and visible from space. They are also ever so slightly 'batty'.
Slip off your shoes, pour a cup of coffee and turn up the volume. Christmas song #20. The festive season would not be complete without a trip to the 1950's time warp that is German television. Lots of smiling faces here :https://youtu.be/BxhU3WMacts?t=45
Another neighbour with lights visible from space? Remarkable.
We enjoyed a spectacular rainbow when cycling along beside the North Sea yesterday morning. Coastal roads are safely ice free right now. Not so further inland.
Thank you Angus for yet another splendid choice of Christmas song. And thank you for continuing to post after your move. Good to hear that things are coming together for your first Christmas in your new home. Very best wishes to you, The Font and Sophie for a very Happy Christmas and Cosy New Year.
Hari Om
...1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s... I think this form of telly entertainment is still with us and not just in Germany. And there is something to be said for the cheer and 'cheese' it brings!
I observe that The Coastal Cottage is to get the wide stripe carpet after all... YAM xx
That was a very cheerful song to put us all in a holiday mood!
Glad all your workmen turned up and you now have your new carpet too. Await the photos with interest. It's difficult to tell, from the rolls of carpet, which way the stripes will be laid. We hope that Sophie approves of your choice and doesn't immediately test it for mud resistance.
Look forward to photos of the batty lights but trust I won't need to go to outer space to view them at their best!
A trip into town this morning - no need for a coat, and many people in summer wear - don't think I've seen so many in shorts in December for a some years.
Four degrees below in S. Indiana this morning a fresh coat of approximately 2 inches of snow , crunchy walking, filling bird feeders,taking the dog for her walk. Glad to see the wee coastal house is taking shape for you.
I do hope as I get older, that the neighbors think of me as "every so slightly batty!"
Love Sophie’s ‘Country Pon’ look! It is 9:00am in Atlanta Georgia, and 15 degrees after an overnight rain with heavy wind. I will be staying inside today with a good book!
A rainy and windy 50 degrees here in South West New Hampshire. Best New England winter storm ever, with no snow to move.
I have been so happy to see Sophie blossom in her new home. She has even had some interest in other dogs! The new house peeks are wonderful and it sounds like you landed in another sweet village. Merry Christmas to Angus, the Font and our dear Sophie and Friends! XXX Pam
South of Belleville Ontario Canada here. Massive blizzard is blowing in from lake Ontario. Temperature -3C wind chill -14. Wind from SW at 89 km and gusting to 125km. Snug in the house and if the power goes out I have a gas fireplace. I love Sophie's various hairdos and looking forward to the unveiling of the carpet.
A very beloved neighbor may be having his last Christmas. His nephew and great nephew have over decorated the front yard with outdoor metal holiday figures and trees. Lights probably also visible from space. Neighbor has always loved doing this work and maybe seeing everything set up and bright brings him joy and reminds him of how much he is loved.
In Seattle today the streets and sidewalks are covered in ice. Busses not running. Too cold for dog walks. Very thankful for central heating working, a poodle snoozing on the couch
It's still in the 80s here in South Florida...81 degrees F actually...but will drop to mid 40s by tomorrow am. Our Tennessee, "cost centers" arrived safely yesterday...the 21st. Had they unknowingly made their reservations for today, Thursday the 22nd, they would have found a canceled flight. Like so many disappointed and frustrated folk. So much going on. And an 845 page report to read.
Toronto, ON. Just South of the 401.
Weather outside: Frightful
Fire: Delightful
The golden doodle I am doggy-sitting over the Christmas WE, my neighbour's, will dance along with the blizzard tonight. He will be "encouraged" to brevity.
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