Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A lost day.


Yesterday was a lost day. The glaziers ran late. As in five hours late. Their 'new lad' goes to fill up the van with petrol. It's only when the van stalls three miles down the road they they recognize that he's put in diesel rather than high octane. The van has to be towed back to the depot and a replacement found. A glass door pane gets broken in the process of unloading and reloading.  There goes the morning. No one thinks to tell us. The joiners and electricians do their best to find things to do but the installation of the glass was pivotal for the schedule. The electricians are starting a new job in Yorkshire on Thursday so time is at a premium.

In the afternoon the temperature plummets and the showers turn into a thunderstorm of classical proportions. This is not advantageous for fitting triple glazing to a metal frame. Further north the overnight temperature fell to just 3 degrees. That's chilly for November let alone July. Let's hope some of the lost ground is covered today. We'll be there to open up at seven this morning. 

In the evening , on our return to town, we find the chapel door open and a group of tourists sitting listening to the organist practising for the coming weekends services. The chapel is warm and dry and the audience seem grateful to get out of the cold.

Substack proving to be a great new source of information and opinion. An interesting take on ivy-league admissions . That 1% keeps on appearing :


WFT Nobby said...

I'm feeling sympathy for the 'new lad. I suspect he will not be allowed to forget his mistake with the diesel for a good long while.

Angus said...

WFT - You may well be right. From now on I think his nickname will be 'Diesel'.

Coppa's girl said...

How frustrating to have a lost day. With the electricians moving to Yorkshire on Thursday, they will need to work at high speed.

Lisa in France said...

Sorry for your lost day. We have also had a long saga dealing with the glazier, although we forgive him everything because he is Charlie's clear favorite among our cast of workmen. He came by yesterday to put in what were supposed to be the last of the windows, but one was broken, so now hopefully we'll be done on Friday instead. And then today, the folks who are applying the UV film to the new windows showed up unexpectedly. They were supposed to come next Monday, by which time the broken window will have been replaced. Thankfully, they are happy to come by again. The security firm is also expected on Monday, to apply the motion detectors to the new windows. Fingers crossed it will all get done, as France moves into the August vacation zone. Good luck to you as well.

Diaday said...

A life lesson for young Diesel. It's frustrating that he learned it at your expense.

Stephanie said...

A very beautiful last photo.

rottrover said...

I love the idea of wondering into a warm chapel, listening to beautiful music, on a cold afternoon.

Gemma's person said...

Sounds like a relaxing time in the church ...warm,cozy,organ music, warm...zzzzzzzzz. :)