Wednesday, July 5, 2023

High summer calm.

The Manhattanites back to work after their July 4th holiday. One of them observes that globally, it has been the hottest day on record : . Apart from that it's quiet bar the usual topics - French riots, Putin waiting for Trump to bail him out of his Ukraine disaster and the rise of the far right in German elections. Thankfully, we get everything finished off in nine minutes. No one comments on the sound of three hungry seagull chicks squawking noisily away in the background.

Here, during the night, the rain returned. This morning it's dry but decidedly chilly. The cows are enjoying the cool air and are happily passing their summer grazing on the fresh grass on the village green. They look up as we pass. The presence of humans before seven is unexpected. The postman stops his van for a wee blether. He's got two Jack Russells and a black Spaniel in the front with him. He found them heading off along the road that leads to the golf course and is now returning them to their respective owners gardens. We wish him good luck.

One adventurous calf finds herself rather too close to us for comfort and heads off at high speed to the safety of the herd. 

The joiners start work early. 'The Font' is there to open up the house for them and to make it clear that they mustn't get paint on the new kitchen units. Back in town the tourists are already arriving and the parking places quickly filling up. The large grey 16th century house by the kilt makers shop has some unusual window surrounds of a type I've never seen before. The things you notice when you lift your eyes up.


Coppa's girl said...

There was a time when the only worry about the joiners was that they hadn't brought Jaffa cakes. Getting paint on the new kitchen units in those days was a secondary consideration.

Linda said...

Just so that you know if you're posting Twitter links - Twitter has blocked access to people without Twitter accounts. Even for the delight of reading the links you post, this isn't enough to make me sign up to Twitter, since I object to pretty much everything its current owner does - especially the ghastly Starlink.

WFT Nobby said...

Reading the words "waiting for Trump to bail him out of his Ukraine disaster" sent a shiver down my spine.
Those windows are very fine.
Cheers, Gail.

Angus said...

Linda - Thanks for the heads up on Twitter links. I should have guessed that he'd get round to that sooner or later.

Travel said...

Can we exle tRump to the Moscow?

Jake of Florida said...

How lucky your postman has no trouble with the "scope creep," delivering errant dogs as well as the mail.

William said...

Not soon enough

Diaday said...

Dog walkers focus on looking ahead and looking down. Now that I don't have a dog, I find myself looking up and there's a whole new world to discover above eye level. But I still miss walking with my furry companion.