Monday, July 17, 2023

The final hurdle


The builders, joiners, electricians et al have been on holiday for the last two weeks. Work at the last house before Denmark is planned to start again on Wednesday morning. We should, if all goes to plan, be moving back in on August 9th. This morning Angus has a Zoom call scheduled with the landscapers . They are itching to get started but can't until the builders have finished with the new conservatory and garden room. 

On the beach this morning what appears to be a man walking to the shore with a para-glider. Closer examination shows the man to be standing on a small four wheeled trolley. He's doing his best to catch the wind with his sail but is failing miserably. After ten minutes he swears and heads back to the car park. Para-trolleying has its limitations.

Outside the small hotel a line of golf carts. Tourists in the know come to play golf in the good weather seasons of mid-May to end June and again early September to mid-October. This year 'revenge' travel has extended the golfing season into late July.  Local hotel owners are happy. With southern Europe facing the hottest summer on record they're also seeing a rush of last minute bookings from Italy and Spain. It may reach 50C in Sardinia this week.

The shoe repair shops mechanical window display  has had a run in with an enthusiastic and overly inquisitive labrador.

The youngest of the  village Jack Russells comes out to greet us when we head back to take some measurements for the landscape gardeners. She finds some bubble wrap in a box in the garage. This is the cause for much tail wagging. She is eventually picked up and carried along the lane back to her home. She squirms constantly but rather enjoys being the centre of attention.

Black spaniel also makes an appearance. He wants to greet us but is much more interested in a hare that's wandering down the track to the shore.

So starts a Monday morning in a small Scottish seaside town. 

More dead gulls on the golf course and on the roadside this morning. Is this attrition rate down to avian flu or is the first flight accident rate among gulls very high ? Neither of us has ever noticed this gull culling before. The birds are a pain to have as neighbours but it's sad to see so many young ones dying. 

This morning at the wee house in town a female sparrow hawk. It sits on the roof of the shed and watches the bird feeders. The small goldfinches that usually congregate there sensibly keep a low profile. This article from last year sets the scene :


WFT Nobby said...

The first photo of the beach is truly stunning. I'm afraid the recent proliferation of dead gulls on the beaches of Eastern Scotland is due to bird flu, see: see link
Nobby wants to meet the pretty wee Jack Russell. And the spaniel on the wall. And any dog, really....
Amazing that the works at the last house before Denmark are nearing completion more or less on time!
Cheers, Gail.

Coppa's girl said...

Agreed - that first photo is truly stunning.
Looking forwards to some photos of the newly renovated last house before Denmark. We shall all be heaving a sigh of relief when it's finally finished - as no doubt you will too!

Travel said...

Looks like a peaceful, stress free Monday.

Stephanie said...

Ah, those fateful words "if all goes to plan . . ." In this case I hope it will be exactly so. A welcome appearance by the little black spaniel and the terrier's simple enjoyment of bubble wrap bring a smile this morning.

Gemma's person said...

What a spectacular first photo! My word...looks like you could almost touch the clouds and an endless beach. You must blow it up and have it framed for a gift!

rottrover said...

I was thinking the same thing, Gemma's person, about the photo! Nice to see some dogs making an appearance on the blog this morning!

Anonymous said...

It’s bird flu. Not as bad as last year, and hitting different species.

If you want to see something interesting, look up “gannets’ eyes” and “bird flu”

Teena and Lala said...

Glorious photos.

I was mistrusting of Jacks, having been terrorised by a friends one as a child. I rather like them now as I've since met many nicer characters.