Saturday, November 11, 2023

Adhesive backed.

The farmers brother rears turkeys. Orders are being taken for Christmas. Last year an outbreak of avian flu meant that his season was ruined. This year , so far, the number of outbreaks are way down and hopes are running high that it will be business as usual....or better.  The caveat is that the autumn has been wet and mild. Avian flu seems to spread when conditions are really cold.

This morning there's a layer of frost on the Volvo's windscreen but the Scandinavian heating system soon deals with it. The ability to pre-warm the cabin is a great design feature in northern climes. A robust northerly wind and a band of frost dusted sand along the dune line may explain why the beach is deserted .....

.... in both directions. I'm guessing the frost means that the sea bathing season is now well and truly over.

Angus takes a pile of Hermes ties down to the charity shop. There was a time when he wore a tie every day but now he wears a tie maybe once every month or two. He's segued into an age when a black tie gets more outings than any other colour. From the picture on the front cover of Country Life it seems that the King still maintains sartorial standards. Angus isn't sure that tucking your tie into your belt is the height of good taste but if the monarch does it who is he  to judge ?

American accents much in evidence down by the Royal and Ancient. The pre-Thanksgiving travel crowd are making the most of the bargain rates to be had at the 5 star hotels. Gentlemen in baseball caps stand by the clubhouse and share golfing experiences. We pass a group of cheerful ladies looking at the cashmere outfits in the Johnstons of Elgin window. They have the focused determination of the ' my husband's playing golf so I'm going to go shopping .... and I mean shopping !' type of spouse.

In the town newsagent we find Remembrance Day poppies. This year ( for the first time ?) you can pay for them by credit card. This cash free option has proved to be popular. The young woman behind the counter looks up from stacking the papers and says I should try the new 'adhesive backed ' style. ' They use less plastic '. A real poppy would of course use none at all. I keep this thought to myself. All the small metal poppies have gone. ' The weans frae the primary school came and bought them all earlier in the week '.

This poem was a delight :

You know you're in Scotland when dinner talk turns to new sporran designs :

For those so inclined - Haggis chocolate :


jabblog said...

An apple in your sporran?

WFT Nobby said...

I wouldn't bet on a touch of frost deterring the true hard core winter swimmers...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I second WFT's comment... and also greatly enjoyed the poem. YAM xx

Travel said...

I have about 100 ties to get rid of someday.

Diaday said...

Being from Dayton, OH, the home of the Wright Brothers, this poem is particularly delightful. Wilbur and Orville are our favorite sons.

rottrover said...

I agree about the swimmers, and the poem :)