The sea may not be angry but it's certainly irritated. As we head down the hill to the shore the sound of the surf thunders up towards us. The gate on the farm track down to the shore collapsed in last years frosts. It hasn't been repaired. It's been raining heavily overnight and we have to detour round the fallen stone gate piers and hop , cautiously, over the slippery cattle grid. Three deer look at us. The ducks have headed inland leaving the jagged rock outcrops to the gulls and the cormorants.

In the kitchen the fancy new range has decided to make our Christmas more exciting. The ignition system on the central gas ring won't turn off. It clack-clack-clacks away. 'The Font' isn't happy about the idea of cooking Christmas lunch on a gas cooker that's displaying incendiary character traits. The manufacturer sends me an e-mail saying they can send out a repair team tomorrow. When I call them to confirm the woman who picks up the phone on the other end tells me that's their stock e-mail response. She then goes onto say they're fully booked until the New Year. ' Surely you didn't expect someone to get out that quickly ?' . Angus let's it be known that he did. Getting out a repairman to deal with this problem will be the task du jour.
A farming gentleman in wellington boots is studying the window display in the soon to shutter newsagents. One half of the store has already closed. Everything saleable has been moved into the smaller annexe.
There is picture of the late Queen passing by in her Daimler during her visit to the town in 1952. Crowds thronged the streets and flags and bunting were much in evidence. All the women are wearing hats. Policemen line the route. Seventy years ago but it might as well have been a different planet.
Angus wonders if receiving a present from FatFace sends the right signal.
Look carefully and you can see the illuminated Christmas lights spanning the street between Subway and the bar next to the cobblers shop. The council can't be criticized for spending on seasonal excess. At this time of the day the town quiet apart from shopkeepers opening up in readiness for the ( still to arrive ) pre-Christmas rush.
I gave our demure daughter-in- law a gift from Fat Face last Christmas, much to everyone's amusement.
The car lights add a touch of festive cheer.
Don't diss Fat Face. It has lovely stuff.
I miss old fashioned Christmasses.
Like Angus I think, I was born in the 1950s, albeit later than the photo of the Queen in her Daimler. This image of times past makes me feel old!
Today's carol from Trinity College is so beautiful. I only fully appreciated the work involved in achieving such perfection when the daughter of a friend won a choral scholarship to Cambridge (Gonville and Caius). In addition to her regular studies in English Literature she attended choir practice for 2-3 hours most evenings, plus numerous performances, tours etc. It was quite a commitment.
Cheers, Gail.
I hope trade picks up for the local businesses. There's still time . . .
It does not look like a good morning to play golf.
Listening to the Christmas carols you post is a lovely way to start the day. Thank you so much.
Oh, it looks cold there! The farmers wife isn't still swimming is she? I think those ignition switches on tires are electric. I wonder if there's a problem with a fuse or breaker switch? Good luck finding a repair person.
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