Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas. Waxwings, clouds and ( possibly ) an Archbishop.

A Merry Christmas to one and all from the last wee house before Denmark.

A family of waxwings feasting happily - and noisily -  on the rowan tree at the end of the garden. Most trees can't survive in this wind battered spot but the rowan clings on and offers up a mass of bright red berries for passing birds. What lively and exotic creatures the waxwings are. There's something about their tufts that makes them comical. They are rare , but welcome, visitors to our garden.

Above the beach nacreous clouds. Like the waxwings another unexpected Christmas day gift. They form in polar air at 100,000 feet. Sometimes, just sometimes, the rays of the rising sun catch them and they give a display of colour that puts rainbows to shame. When we lived  further up the coast I saw them once in twenty years.  Now  I've glimpsed them three times in the last two weeks - but never with the intensity and spread of this mornings display.

The lens in the i-Phone struggles to capture this remarkable  sight. I'm not sure what sort of camera lens could. For a full five minutes they glow in the sky like heavenly mother of pearl.

'The Font' thinks the air in the stratosphere must be really cold for the clouds to be visible like this. I'm guessing we're talking a multiple of polar cold at those altitudes. As we watch three large aircraft heading towards  Paris or Frankfurt weave their vapour trails in the sky. It's not often you see aircraft heading south. They've probably been diverted due to turbulence over Iceland or Ireland.

We walk back from the beach to the car cutting up the street with a cluster of Bed and breakfasts . These are popular with golfers on a budget. Many are closed but others have their lights glowing and garlands festooning their front doors. 

Slowly but surely these small hotels are being replaced by large 'golfer friendly' rental homes that go for £5k or £6k a week. Maybe double that in summer. That pretty much guarantees a healthy yield after costs . It may also explain why the family owned properties are being replaced by AirBnB's. With a weekly rental all you need is a ( charged for ) deep clean in between tenants.

One of those men with a clerical voice straight out of central casting  on the car radio this morning. I think he might have been the Archbishop of Canterbury. He's talking about one of the oldest English carols ( and a song that was considered racy by the Pilgrim Fathers ). The Archbishop  ( or whoever it was ) reminds us a  baby born in a stables can change the world. This, he says,  is the truly earth shattering  thing about Christmas. He also thinks the verse of the carol " Fear not  said he for mighty dread  had seized their troubled mind. Glad tidings of great joy I bring to you and all mankind " could have been written for our times  :

And here's the full story of the Longfellow poem from last week :


Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas Angus and Mme Font. X Teena & Lala X

Coppa's girl said...

What a wonderful sky!
Thick mist and 4ºC here - the coldest it's been for at least two years, if not more. A change from yesterday's 9º early morning and 18ºC mid-afternoon.
Hope you are having a good Christmas Day.

Linda said...

The clouds were amazing, weren't they? We had a long sunrise and sunset display here on Speyside. A lovely Christmas gift indeed. Merry Christmas!

véronique Perez said...

Joyeux Noël Angus and the Font, from France.
Des pensées pour Bob et Sophie qui nous manquent tellement.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...whilst here by the Hutch, it's only floor-level cold and side to side grey... Your lens did just fine conveying the magic above you! Blessed day to you, Angus, and to your dear Font. Blessings and Love, YAM xx

Diaday said...

A very Merry Christmas to you and your lovely wife. Your daily stories are such a delightful gift. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The lovely quote from the Archbishop is indeed apt for our times. We are at my brother’s and it is the first time in more than 25 years there are no overly excited golden retrievers in the middle of the kitchen taking in every scent and smell emanating from the ovens in glorious anticipation of a Christmas feast. It is certainly easier to move around to cook but there is far less unbridled joy. They are missed. It made me think this could be a similar situation for you and The Font without any happy PONS lurking underfoot. Happy and Peaceful holidays. Thank you again for sharing your delightful missives from your beautiful corner of the world.

Angus said...

Anonymous - You are quite right. The kitchen without PONS willing us on to drop the turkey is indeed a quiet place. The subject of (yet ) another generation of PONs is topic #2 at the Christmas lunch table.

Stephanie said...

What exceptional and unexpected gifts to begin your Christmas day. The hymn most beautiful. "In this world you will have trouble. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) Merriest Christmas to Angus and The Font and to all who visit here!

Jake of Florida said...

So happy to read your topic #2 ... of course that opens the question as to topic #1! Have a lovely day!!!

Pam in NH said...

Merry Christmas to all! It is foggy here in New Hampshire, there is no snow. Your sky pictures are gorgeous and so appreciated. Lola and Skye have had breakfast and presents, teethers and balls for 6 month old Skye and a new Lamb Chop toy for 11 year old Lola. They nap together. Peace!
I am also pleased at #2 and wonder if you will consider one or two pons this time. Are 2 the same age easier than one? Whatever you decide will be greeted with much joy in Dog-Land. Thank you for each and every post. XXX

10NISNE1 said...

Merry Christmas!!

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Merry Christmas Angus and The Font. And to all your readers around the world. The cloud photos are glorious!

Stephanie said...

Merry Christmas, Bailey Bob. It's always good to see you here.

rottrover said...

Merry Christmas, Angus and the Font! I made dinner last night with the assistance of 2 rottweilers in the kitchen. Very helpful! I don't want it any other way. I am so grateful for your morning observations and photos; and I'm enjoying meeting a new cast of characters around the LWHBD!

Lisa in France said...

I've never heard of nacreous clouds, but as you have captured them they are beautiful. Wishing you and your family, and all of your commenters, a very happy Christmas and also wishing you good luck with Topic #2. This is Charlie's fourth Christmas, but somehow his happiness level has hit new highs this year. He brings much joy to our family, and I look forward to whatever the two of you decide.

suej said...

Belated very best wishes to you Angus and "the Font", may Christmas and the New Year in your new home be a very special time. Thank you for continuing to share the minutiae of life in and around the "last wee house before Denmark"