Angus is off to Edinburgh to see the eye surgeon and have a wee late morning 'procedure' . This means we're up and out for our morning walk in the pre-dawn light. Town is already busy with a sudden rush of students heading home. It seems all the local taxis and shuttle buses are picking folks up and setting off to the station for the first train southwards.

The windows of the 1960's era block of flats down by the harbour are lit with Christmas trees. It makes for a jolly sight. There was a time when locals lived here but now they've been turned into Airbnb's or summer homes for Europeans wanting to escape the heat. A couple of the flats seem to have student occupants which either implies extremely good connections with the local rental agencies or extremely wealthy parents. As they wait for their cab three late teens can be found sitting on their bags on the quayside sharing a six pack. It would seem they're determined to make the most of their Christmas vacation with the verve that only late teens can muster.
The ducks paddling on the mud banks are rather surprised to see humans up and about this early. They consider flying off but think better of it. What better way for a duck to start its day than wading in the mud ?
The lobster fisherman is waiting for the tide so that he can set off. He promises two set aside two lobsters for us - weather willing - on Christmas Eve.
In town mince pies, of all varieties - whirly, flaky and classic - dominate the bakers window.The owner of the kitchen shop greets us. She's dragging out a six foot 'Santa dawg' into her doorway. It has caught on the door lock and developed a tear in its derriere. A small but constant stream of styrofoam beads are trickling through it. She sighs. We leave her alone to find some safety pins and apply first aid.
Christmas music #8 by Mike Oldfield. It's very jaunty :
Charming in its simplicity. The very Celtic Christmas advert for Scotlands national airline. The departure board at the 0:16 mark ( Pure Baltic ) made me laugh as did the crowds ( or absence of them ) in the arrivals hall :
That second link made my day.Thank you.
The Santa Dawg is rather an odd shape in the first place.
A week today, Gail is escaping her 'pure Baltic' home city to spend the festive season in just slightly less Baltic Tacoma, Washington!
The first photo looks extremely chilly.
Oh dear, it would never do to have a leaking Santa Dawg, but the beads look a little like snow, so maybe it won't be too noticeable.
Still not sure about the mincemeat pie selection, but I'd love to see a photo of the Christmas confection produced by the patisserie you frequented in France.
A pretty time of the day. The flight across the Atlantic with the three students is going to be fun, sat next to a student on the way home like that once, I hope he made it home.
A piece of duct tape is a quick and easy fix for the tear in the doggy. Was that a little tear in my eye when I watched the airline commercial? All my kids will be home for Christmas. One more thing to add to my to do list...make a welcome home sign!
Hari OM
Thanks for the MO one-man band, jolly indeed! Not Baltic at all by the Hutch today, a rather balmy eight degrees cee! Kerazy klimate. YAM xx
Hoping your wee procedure goes well :)
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