Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Earl and Christmas music #15.


We go to a fancy drinks party. We know its fancy because the invite says ' lounge suit '. What a very Edwardian term. Angus doesn't want to go but he's told he has to enter into the spirit of the season.  'You don't want to appear standoffish'. Angus would quite happily settle for being standoffish rather than go driving out into the country on a dark winters night.  A discussion ensues as to whether 'lounge suit' means wearing a neck tie. In London ties have all but disappeared but these are more conservative parts. A tie is chosen. The venue is a rambling tower house located in a remote spot accessed by heavily potholed single track roads. Street lighting is lacking. At the front door a tall middle aged man in a white shirt and multi-coloured bow tie glumly offers me a glass of champagne. He's presumably the party organizer . While waiting for 'The Font' I make polite small talk along the lines of 'This must be your busiest time of the year ' . "No. Not really " he replies. After a few more inconsequential exchanges about the weather, the distance of the car park from the house and a generic ' Will you be going home for Christmas ?' the man in the bow tie disappears. When 'The Font' arrives I discover I've been talking to our host - one of Scotlands wealthiest Earls . 'The conversation doesn't sound as though it was too taxing' says 'The Font' delphically.

There are plates of boiled potatoes and sliced meats for guests to nibble on. This is interesting but impractical finger food.

A calm morning down on the waters edge. The lobster fishermen were out in force yesterday. All their boats were plying the waters by the deep rock pools offshore. We're now expecting our lobsters to be dropped off sometime tomorrow. The local farmers brother will also deliver a turkey.

Work on the repairs to the pier continue ... slowly. More fencing has gone up. The yellow mechanical digger reappears.

Malteaser cake alongside Coffee and Walnut in the window of the Kate meets William cafe. Despite the unearthly hour there's already a group of Chinese tourists waiting for breakfast. Angus rather likes the sound of Malteaser cake. Perhaps there will be detour here later in the day ? Why there should be so many Chinese tourists in town is a seasonal mystery. What sort of tour operator would bring visitors to Scotland in December ? How do they manage to get here while it's still dark? 

And something modern and seasonal from Brazil. Not quite sure what's going on here but there's lots of activity, an enthusiastic choir, a hyper active angel , grannies with i-Phones and a very attentive Joseph. The sudden appearance of the baby is indeed miraculous. What's not to like ? :

Claremonts review of the best books of the year ;

This is, apparently, quite brilliant :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hmmm... is Angus certain of the nationality of the tourists; not Japanese or Korean, rather? Malteser cake does sound quite promising and looks better than the bakery offerings. Not hard. YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

It seems as though mine host was as enthusiastic about attending his drinks party as Angus was!
I would prefer coffee and walnut, but neither cake looks particularly appealing. I do miss the confections you regularly tempted us with from the bakeries in France.
Wherever the Asian visitors hail from, they must be on a cut-price trip. The Northern hemisphere is not a place to visit in mid-winter.

Lisa in France said...

Today's post somehow brings back memories of the German billionaire.

jabblog said...

It sounds as though the Earl was pressganged into hosting the drinks party and so insisted on boiled potatoes. I like cold boiled potatoes.

WendyAnn said...

I just love your pics of the sea shore. They are just as interesting in the winter as the summer. All the different rocks, pebbles & pools - so much to see.
Wendy (Wales)

Travel said...

The older I get, the less likely I am to wear a tie, for anything. I like off season touring, hotels are easier to find, places are not packed.

Travel said...

A rare second comment, Lost and Found, the penguin that has been my traveling companion for 20+ years - how special, and the book list, I added three to my reading list. I have a 14 day cruise coming up, I added a couple of long books to my Kindle to fill my days with knowledge.

Jake of Florida said...

What an amazing collection of books I've never heard of but now long to read. Angus, I understand why your shelves are always overflowing. Thank you for the shared insights.