Sunday, May 26, 2024


A weather front passing through gives this mornings sky an 'architectural' look.

We set off on our walk . As we leave the courtyard and head onto the path down to the shore we can see there are twenty or so dolphins cavorting in the water. They must have found a shoal of fish. We stand and watch them for 35 minutes before they swim slowly  along the coast . That's an 11/10 experience. Look closely and you can see one of them leaping out of the water. There were moments when the sea was alive with their leaping but that, sadly, is beyond the camera lens on an i-Phone.

Saturday saw a steady stream of bird watchers walking along the farm track towards the heron pond. A serious gentleman in a Beanie hat tells us that the sea mists have disorientated many of the birds migrating  to Scandinavia. They've taken to resting here on their journey north. This is why so many exotic species are showing up unexpectedly -  a  'twitchers' delight. The man with the Beanie hat is excited. He's seen a Nightjar which - to me - looks like a sparrow.

Elder sister and 'Puppy' are happy with life. However, 'Puppy' is in trouble. She wandered off at lunchtime yesterday and was found on the 5 star hotel golf course. The green keepers put her in their workshop and phoned the farmers wife to come and collect her. 'Puppy' has no fear, is a free spirit and considers everyone to be part of her family. This combination of character traits is enough to give any dog owner an ulcer but is the ideal life for a dog.

Last night we go for dinner to a restaurant in one of the neighbouring villages. The lampshades are very Scottish. It's an English bank holiday and the place is full of trendy young Londoners bravely venturing North of Watford. They are 'lively' conversationalists.  We've not known noise levels like this in a restaurant since our last visit to Laguna Beach. Wooden walls and bare floors are trendy but reflect rather than muffle sound.


jabblog said...

Jack Russells are definitely independent spirits - not for the faint-hearted!
I struggle to recognise chess as a sport.

Camille said...

How lucky to have the opportunity to dolphin watch for such a long time. And puppy never fails to delight me when learning of her latest antics.

Stephanie said...

The lupines are spectacular!

Coppa's girl said...

Puppy is determined she's not going to be confined to home territory. Now she's found her way to the golf course, she'll probably add it to her daily walk.
How wonderful to see dolphins so near to home.
The lupins are indeed spectacular.

Jake of Florida said...

What lucky girls Puppy and her sisters are. Free ranging. Golf course folks who know their home telephone number. Biscuits everywhere. A good life indeed.

Travel said...

Many years ago, I was swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, along the Florida panhandle, and found myself swimming with dolphins. A magic experience. A wonderful memory flashback.

Jim Davis said...

Puppy, truly a free spirit. Hard surfaces in a restaurant, however trendy, are a bad combination.