Tuesday, May 28, 2024



We're now into the second week of the 'snap' election campaign. Today pensioners are being offered tax cuts. Where the money will come from to fund this largesse is left unexplained although a man on the radio says it will come from plugging tax loopholes. One has to wonder why these mysterious loopholes weren't plugged ten years ago. Earlier in the week National Service was mooted. Who knows what else will be promised by the time we get to July 4th ? Christmas has come early .

The German family already down on the beach when we set off on our walk into town. Their bicycles propped up against the stone wall by the old lifeboat station.

The family greets us in flawless , although accented, English . They are enjoying their 'house swap' from big city Heidelberg. In fact they are 'thoroughly' enjoying their arrival in this small, traffic free, child friendly Scottish village. This morning they are having breakfast on the beach. The father explains that after three days of rain the children were keen to get out of the house. " I know it's mad to be out this early but we were all going stir crazy " he adds by way of , unneeded, justification. The six and four year old play Cowboys and Indians while the two year old discovers that dropping a sandwich in the sand isn't a good idea. We leave them alone after pointing out the location of shallow sandy bay where the children can swim safely.

The air clear this morning. The spires of the town visible in the distance. This is a view that can't have changed much in a thousand years.

Made in Iceland. Unlikely to find a home with us here but useful if you were in the far North of Scotland or Norway :https://www.minkcampers.com/minke

Every home should have one ? A 21st century Swiss Army knife :https://sitpack.com/products/octo-max-20-in-1-carabiner

A bit of a heart stopper but amazing flying skills  :https://x.com/scottiebateman/status/1794745470658416933


jabblog said...

Electioneering is travelling its usual course of improbable plans and impossible promises.

Coppa's girl said...

How nice that the German family are enjoying their holiday in your little town and have such a positive opinion.

Anonymous said...

The German kids will be so grateful that you shared where they can swim safely!

Man, that airplane landing video was heartstopping. My former boyfriend had an OLD Cherokee Piper single engine plane, and I imagined that landing so many times!! Thankfully, we never experienced it in real life.

Jake of Florida said...

At least they are not promising to deport 15 million people...

Diaday said...

I hope the spires stand for a long time and that the view remains unchanged for a long time, too.

Jim Davis said...

That emergency landing was one of the best examples of excellent energy management I have seen. The person had a good hand on an airplane. Well done!