Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Quietly judging.

It's bright and sunny at five but by six a chilly sea mist is rolling in. The golfers on the Old Course have come prepared. Hats and fleeces are produced. They quickly get wrapped up against the cold.

A serious bunch of New Yorkers this morning. Each player has his own caddie. Strategies are discussed and suggestions made on which clubs to use. Some of the players go through pre-match calisthenic routines. The caddies quietly judge their clients. One of the caddies ( the man married to the lady who walks Archie the arthritic labrador ) wanders over to tell us that Corn Buntings have arrived in the wild flower meadow on the estuary. Rather than fly into Edinburgh - an hours drive south - this mornings golfers have brought their private jet into the local RAF base. I'm guessing that requires having some really , really good contacts in the British government.

Poppies growing on the dunes.

Seems that avian flu hasn't finished with us yet. Not something we wanted to see as peak migration season starts.

Back in the village the sheep have been rounded up. A dozen had made it onto the 5 star hotels golf course. Their taste of freedom was short lived.

Now the sheep are back in their field , happily chewing cauliflower leaves and scrambling for seaweed on the rocks by the shore. They're a Hebridean breed . Some have started to moult in what passes for warmth in these northerly climes.

Ultra-processed foods :https://www.acsh.org/news/2024/05/10/unraveling-myth-ultra-processed-foods-17839

I've done my best to ignore this but it's a technology that's coming very quickly :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQacCB9tDaw


jabblog said...

It looks strange to me to see poppies growing in the dunes. Interesting to read about the effects of ultra processed food being debunked.

Coppa's girl said...

The sheep "break-out" makes me smile - you have to admire their cunning and audacity to roam onto the 5 star hotel's golf course, for a quick nibble no doubt. Imagine the horror if they've left a few "calling cards"!

Diaday said...

Golfers, poppies, and roaming sheep. You bring them together to share a lovely slice-of-life story.

Stephanie said...

The picture of the poppies has an exceptional beauty. One of your best.

William said...

UPS (ultra processed foods) are replacing healthy foods, and allowing people to easily overeat…….


Travel said...

Better that the sheep find their way onto the golf course, than the dining room table.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that these overly wealthy idiots have discovered your charming town. I am of Scottish ancestry (my dad used to travel quite a bit out of his way to patronize a shop whose owner still spoke with a fine Scottish accent) and live in the US. I visited Scotland years ago and absolutely loved St. Andrews. It was fun to walk around small towns in Scotland and realize that I looked just like those people!

Jake of Florida said...
