Wednesday, May 22, 2024

So quiet.

Town slowly filling up. In the evening packs of ever so slightly bored Australian and Americans fill the bars. There also seem to be a surprising number of late teens wandering around looking forlorn. We can only assume that they're here early for one of the summer sports camps. Last night there was a book reading in town. One of those weighty ' The challenges of the 21st Century' type affairs. We're rather surprised to find the venue packed to the rafters. We get the last two seats at the back. After that it's standing room only. A large group of Singaporean golfers have bought tickets. They listen politely and ask intelligent questions. What should last an hour takes two. From the large number of identical SUV's parked around town we think the golfers must be attending some sort of Lexus dealers gathering.

This morning elder sister arrives unannounced and uninvited in the Boot Room. 'Puppy' - we can safely assume - is still asleep. Elder sister is given a biscuit and retreats to the garden to enjoy it.

The refurbishment of the restaurant in town continues apace. This morning two large lorries are delivering tables, chairs and kitchen equipment. The old interior taken out and the new one installed in way less than a week.

Signs going up in front windows telling us which gardens are going to be open for Charities. Garden openings are a big thing here. 'The Garden with the Dragon' sounds like a must visit.

The little house at the 'T' junction is the sort of place we walk by three or four times a day and never notice. On a cloudy morning the door stands out and provides a ray of sunshine amid the murk.

In the hedgerows the first of the poppies coming into bloom. We pass two bird watchers hunting for Shrikes. The sea mist makes bird watching difficult and they soon give up and go. Life is quiet.


Coppa's girl said...

Poppies are one of my favourite flowers, and those look stunning.
I wonder if puppy knows her elder sister has paid you a surprise visit and had a biscuit!

Ruth said...

The article was fascinating and such processes provide a level of reassurance regarding the maintenance of water supplies but the issue that needs to be addressed is how water is used and in what quantities. I had an interesting chat with a younger friend last week when she was about to have her third shower of the day. The idea of a cold, wet flannel had never crossed her mind!

jabblog said...

I always think of poppies as late summer flowers, but they're not. I do like then, though, whenever they appear.

Anonymous said...

The photo of your neighboring dog reminded me that a long time ago a local dog showed up inside my house at all hours. The opposite of an escape artist, he was simply the sweetest dog I've ever known, and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to keep him without being discovered.

Travel said...

The poppies are blooming heavily in Provence

Stephanie said...

So much to enjoy here: elder sister's sweet face, the yellow door, and brilliant red poppies. I do like the the name of the garden "Swallows Rest." Hope you might share some photos of the garden openings if you attend.

Lisa in France said...

Elder sister's expression is calm, but that wagging tail betrays her. I'm glad you rewarded her efforts with a biscuit. I noticed poppies by our roadside this morning as well. We will have been in our house for one year on Sunday and are stilling finding new things to appreciate. I also ordered my first Val McDermid mystery just now, based on recommendations posted here. I watched the new "Shogun" as well based on something posted here and agree it was very good.

Angus said...

Lisa in F - Can it be a year ? There again in 3 months we'll have been in Scotland for two years. That truism ' How time flies ' seems to get truer every day.

Angus said...

Stephanie - Thank you for pointing out Swallows Nest. We shall get tickets and report.

Jake of Florida said...

I agree with Stephanie. The yellow door. The bright red poppy. A sweet satisfied elder sister. Simple joys.