Thursday, May 30, 2024

Green incentives.

A second day spent car hunting. We find a low key German EV at a 'good' price. It can manage 350 miles on a single charge which makes it practical even in a Scottish winter with the heater full on. When I call the power company to ask them to install the home charger and connection they inform me there's a lengthy  backlog and they're not adding any more names to the list. We could be waiting for a year or more. The idea of going all electric will need to be rethought.

The view of the sea and the sunrise from 'The Fonts' cabin signals that good weather is on its way after four days of rain showers.

In town high Cirrus clouds add to the belief that  summer is about to kick in. Back in France the village we used to live in has instituted water rationing - or so the man with anger management issues tells us. Water rationing is not a problem we are likely to face.

More Begonias being planted out. The university gardeners are very keen on Begonias.

The painting of the railings outside the university chapel continues. Four cheery workers already at work by seven am. At the wee house in town progress is slower. Yesterdays rain again stopped the decorators from working on the outside walls. They have however painted the floorboards in the kitchen. 

A fresh batch of frog cakes in the bakers window. What must the tourists think ? 

Things, as you can tell are quiet. There's a big golf tournament coming to the Old Course. Later today we shall wander down and watch them getting ready for the first tee off.


Virginia said...

We have a 2018 40Kw Leaf. It does 240 on a charge in summer and >220 in winter, but we never push it to the edge. We only use a normal power point to charge, overnight in our garage, and very, very occasionally we need to fast charge when we're on a long trip. If you hooked your German EV up each night, I would doubt you'd need a fast charger. Over here, they're a couple of thousand and we haven't bothered getting one. Just a thought ...

Coppa's girl said...

If that's the second batch of frog cakes, can we assume they have been a great success? Perhaps it's the tourists who are buying them!
EV's haven't really taken off here in any great numbers, due partly to the price, and the lack of recharging stations outside urban areas. I read recently that many people are thinking twice about buying electric, partly because of the number that have caught fire.
I do like 'The Font's' cabin - what a glorious view.

Tara said...

'The Font's' cabin has majestic views! I imagine it would be equal parts amazing and terrifying to be sitting there during a strong storm. But, I love the frog cakes, so what do I know?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Angus, for a couple hundred quid you can get a 3-pin 240v charging cable with a meter on it. I use this when staying with friends and family. The meter is accurate and I can then pay them whatever their rate is. Please note, however, that Fife is the best county to own and drive EV...far and away the cheapest Charge Place Scotland network. After connection cost (currently £1.75) it's only 15p per unit. Most domestic power costs more! I have never run out of power in The Grey, because the majority journeys are well shy of 100 miles. YAM xx

Anonymous said...

My next vehicle will be electric. The little frog cakes are rather cute. Sometimes it’s nice to lighten up a bit. Grace

Stephanie said...

I keep returning to the glorious sky and lupines.

rottrover said...

My builder installed a charger in my garage during remodeling. I currently don't have an EV, but one is probably in my future. Just nothing from Elon Musk, thanks. I built a cabin out of part of my garage, inspired in part by The Font's. Her view wins top prize, but mine is pretty canyon with trees :)

Jake of Florida said...

I've been meaning to ask this: why is the Font's "cabin" called a cabin? Den? Office? Study? Just askin'.

Jim Davis said...

I think I like the idea of a plug-in hybrid better than a pure EV.

Angus said...

Jim D - We've come to the same conclusion about plug ins

Jake of - It was intended to be a rustic cabin out on the coast but turned into something more Svelte.

Jake of Florida said...

Thanks. Precedent: Abe Lincoln started out in a log cabin and wound up in something much more svelte!

Lisa in France said...

The cabin looks wonderful, and I think I would like it on a dark and stormy day just as much. We looked for a plug-in hybrid when we moved here but couldn't find one we liked - most had only very small fuel engines so distance was still a concern. We bought a Peugeot electric instead and intended to install a charger once we finished some other work on the garage. In the meantime, we just plugged it in to the regular socket and, as Virginia says, that turned out to be all we needed. We just plug it in overnight a couple of times a week.