Thursday, May 23, 2024

Election time.

We turn on the evening news and watch the British Prime Minister stand outside the front door of Downing Street to announce that a general election will be called on July 4th. The rain tumbles down, he gets soaked and the sound of 'Things can only get better ' echoes from protestors loudspeakers. Not, methinks , the image of strength and calm confidence he wanted to project. Updates on this will become addictive :

What I would call Fondant Fancies are displayed in the bakers window as 'French cakes'. What the French would make of this nomenclature is a question best left unasked.

A rose is thriving on the front wall of a house near the cinema. It's clearly enjoying the sea fog that rolls in early every morning. 

There is about a 1 in 7 chance of being successful in the ballot to play the Old Course. Those golfers who aren't lucky get in their minibuses and head off to play one of the ( many ) surrounding courses.  The secret to getting a winning ballot is to come in the off season or say that you're willing to play at any time. Don't even think of entering the ballot in July or August. We pass a group of unlucky balloteers are loading their clubs into the back of a minibus that will take them down the coast to Crail. Some of them are wearing shorts which strikes me as being a brave, if not foolhardy, choice for the Scottish climate in May. 

Nothing at the cinema that grabs our fancy.

The two ducks that usually parade up and down the shopping street have found a quiet spot in the uncut grass outside the Episcopal church. They seem happy with life.  Later this morning, for a touch of excitement,  we shall go to see how the painters are getting on with the railings outside chapel.

The country may be gearing up for an election frenzy but here life remains resolutely quiet.

Smart bird :

Sartorial problems - Scottish style :

Hope for chocolate lovers :

Election omens :


Travel said...

It should be an interesting election year.

Angus said...

Travel - 'Interesting ' is one word for it. By the end of six weeks other terms might be used !

jabblog said...

There will b no news for the next six weeks, just endless electioneering and speculation.

Coppa's girl said...

Angus, in the weeks to come I'm sure you will provide us with something more interesting and a welcome relief. So today let's talk about Fondant Fancies, beautiful roses and the ducks instead, whilst we still have a chance!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I think I will be booking several more forest parking nights over the next few weeks... YAM xx

Lisa in France said...

I'm not sure what it says about me that I learned about the election on Larry the Cat's Twitter feed.

WFT Nobby said...

Happily away from in all in Slovenia just now, but it looks like a close contest in Aberdeen South so my vote won't be feeling pointless!
Cheers, Gail.
PS I fear the raven has a higher IQ than some of our politicians...