Friday, May 24, 2024

The page turning.


Yesterday we managed to enjoy both sea fog and heavy rain. I would have thought to have both at the same time was impossible but Scottish weather can surprise even the Scots.

This morning its bright and fair. The wild flowers around the house clearly enjoying these rain one minute , sunshine the next conditions.

One of the old merchants houses in town has a door that's worthy of envy.

The church round the corner has door furniture that is  very similar. 

We're into the six week election campaign. This seems to be setting itself up as one of the stranger elections we've experienced. After Brexit, Covid and inflation the country is maxed out on politics but at the same time people are keen to have an election. There's still a long campaign to be fought but you can hear the page turning. 

Who would want to be a teacher ? Walking on eggshells :

Spreading round the globe :


Jake of Florida said...

Angus, since our election campaigns are endless, one morphing into the next almost non stop, your 6-week campaign seems so civilized.

Anonymous said...

We started on 2019. It will be such a relief to see it finish. At least Angus has a proper choice. My vote will be wasted

Coppa's girl said...

The wild flowers seem happy, in spite of the battering from wind and rain!
I think "handsome " is a good descripton of the doors.

jabblog said...

Beautiful door furniture.

Anonymous said...

The doors are beautiful!

Heartbreaking article about teachers walking on eggshells. It feels to me as if teachers (and others) are internalizing the future risks of current behavior. Sounds like Nazi Germany to me. But I was educated in a small conservative town in the US in the 1960s and I recognize that, although it wasn't in the news in those days, the educational materials they presented to us really toed the line. It feels like so many of the gains we have made over the decades are now being deliberately thrown away.

Stephanie said...

The red doors are splendid as are the wildflowers. Birdsfoot trefoil is one of my favorites; perhaps the blue flower is cynoglossum?

Travel said...

Wonderful doors.

Jake of Florida said...

Our daughter, an empathetic woman teaching racially diverse middle school students in Orlando Florida, is one of those teachers walking on eggshells.