Friday, May 31, 2024

The dog walker

A beautiful day for the golfers. Blue skies, sunshine and the mildest bite of a breeze. There's already quite a crowd waiting to tee off by the time the starter shows up at six. The only topic of conversation among this mornings, primarily American crowd, is the 'Stormy Daniels' judgement.

One foursome has to pause while a local walks his black dog across a Right of way. An impatient man in a lilac Polo shirt observes that this ' wouldn't happen at Pebble Beach'.

The flags are out which gives the fairways a festive and cosmopolitan feel. The first of the major tournaments is about to start. Based on the number of trim and tanned Californian women wandering around the town we think it's a 'Ladies Golf Classic'.

Work on the Italian restaurant  finished last week. It has had a major and much needed 'makeover' . This morning two olive trees have appeared at the front door. They'll survive the cold but I'm not sure how they'll cope with the biting wind in winter.  Pot plants have also appeared on the outside tables . I'd wager that a combination of weather, day trippers looking for souvenirs and a general lack of care and attention will  mean they'll all be gone by August.

Do you have to be a Brit ( or an avid crime reader ) to be impressed by the witty name of this tree surgeon ?

Blogger is experiencing some sort of technical glitch so highlighting the daily links seems to be impossible. Also, the company that used to produce the hard copies of the blog once a year has gone out of business. Does anyone have any suggestions on a replacement printer ?

Restaurant reviews :

This becomes an increasingly important question with each passing year :

Question of the day :


jabblog said...

The bloke in the lilac tee shirt is one of life's perennially entitled, it seems.

Swan said...

In Pebble Beach it's deer having the right of way😊

Lisa in France said...

That comment from the guy in the lilac shirt fits in perfectly with the conversation I'm having continuously in my head about what on earth is going on in my country. But today I'm proud of my fellow New Yorkers.

Coppa's girl said...

Special Branch - very clever!
In the UK we lived adjoining the local golf course which had a well used public right of way across the fairway. The sign posted reminded walkers to be aware of golfers and golf balls and my Labrador took this literally - over the years he "found" many stray golf balls, and no way could we ever wrestle them out of his mouth!

Hilary said...

I have used Pixxibook to print my blog. No discounts but seems ok.

Angus said...

Hilary - Thank you.