Monday, May 13, 2024

Peace and quiet.


Monday morning. The Manhattanites are on the phone early to ask why Putin has replaced his defence and  security ministers. 'Because he can' is the quick answer. By the time we've finished talking the clematis at the courtyard gate already abuzz with bees.

Two 'senior' gentlemen golfers from Florida trudge off towards the first tee on the Old Course. We know they're from Florida because they tell us so. As they head off their golf bags and clubs clink and clunk like two old cart horses.  With the students gone there are a couple of hours in the morning and the evening when the town has a wonderful pre-day tripper calm.

Another ladies fashion store rearranges their window display in readiness for the arrival of mothers for the graduation season. 'Bright' and 'warm' never seem to go out of fashion in this little northerly town. For graduation week hotel rates become  stratospheric. Those who haven't already booked their rooms will find that the large 5 star hotel at the edge of the village will charge them £1020 a night.

The shop also has tartan wear for lowland fathers and purists  who consider wearing a kilt south of Perth to be pas correcte. This is the first time I've ever seen tartan trews for sale outside Edinburgh.

An old painted sign above two shops has us stopping in our tracks to make out what it says .

'Henderson the baker of good rolls'  . The sign must be at least 100 years old. How long before it's weathered out of existence ?


Travel said...

Putting an economist in charge of defense was an interesting choice. It is so pretty there.

WFT Nobby said...

Surely the graduation mothers (at least the ones who wear the kind of clothes in the window display) will have sorted out their outfits before arriving in St Andrews?

Coppa's girl said...

The Clematis is beautiful.
Gail is right about the graduation mothers, I know I wouldn't leave it until the last minute - a sure way to buy the wrong outfit. For those coming from abroad, there is a difference in shapes and sizes that don't match those in the UK, unless they go for one size fits all. The awful mustard coat and the sweater and kilt are not exactly stylish and are the sort of thing, as a pre-teen in the 50's and 60's, one wore to visit granny!

Angus said...

WFT/ Coppas G - The shopkeepers know that there's aa better than evens chance that parents will arrive prepared for warm sunny weather ( it can't be that cold ) and instead will find an arctic wind blowing. Coats and pashminas in any colour suddenly become must haves.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Recovering, as I am, from COVID (arrrggghhh 😬), you have me coveting that orange wrap, that's for sure. Just to add to the several other orange shawls and drapes I have around me! YAM xx

Anonymous said...

"Ladies" window display.

Diaday said...

Your clematis are beautiful. What a lovely walk and peaceful walk along the road.

rottrover said...

Nice that no one is protesting at St. Andrews. Graduation can happen as planned.