Thursday, June 6, 2024

A busy week ahead.


Better weather this morning but there's a bracing wind blowing in from the West. The bay a mass of white horses.

We pass a wildflower blooming by the side of the track that leads to the shore. 

The plant is swaying backwards and forwards in the breeze so getting a photo is difficult . Eventually the wind calms down enough to get a reasonable shot. What an exotic thing it is. 

Next week is going to be busy. The first of the soon to be graduates - and their proud parents - starting to arrive. Large, shiny, cars with Home Counties number plates filling the parking bays. Signs warning motorists of ' Graduation Processions' have appeared on the roads into , and out of, town. For the next ten days the hotels are sold out and restaurant reservations are worth their weight in gold. The decorators have finished the back of the wee house in town and are now hard at work on the front. We've agreed that the 'lads' can work extra hours so that everything is finished before the graduation rush. They are delighted.  The carpet fitter can only come on Monday morning. We warn him to be here early to avoid the ceremonies.

In the bookstore a very British book.

This mornings radio music from Glasgow :

A warning :

Something to think about :

Last nights D-Day drone display was well done :


WFT Nobby said...

Love this morning's music video
The wildflower is sea campion. Well adapted to North Sea breeze!

paphosmuseum said...

As Gail says, sea campion.

Currently on the LNER train south, hoping that the couple getting in opposite me at Leuchars, will turn out to be Angus and the Font

Angus said...

Paphosm - I'm sure they'll turn out to be much more interesting.

Travel said...

Next week sounds like a good week to be a homebody.

Jake of Florida said...

An especially moving commemoration of the 80-year anniversary of D-Day in Normandy today.

Anonymous said...

Actually, they were a lovely Filipino couple, heading home (sorry-Blogger does not let me post here with my Google name)