Friday, June 7, 2024


More people around this morning. We meet three cheerful youngsters walking down the track towards the shore. They're students here, early, for graduation . They've always wanted to come out this stretch of coast but never had the time, until now. Their parents are due to arrive on Sunday. In the interim they will drink and sunbathe. After graduating two of them will continue their medical studies while the third starts a corporate job in the City in September.

Angus sees that there's no queue at the Turkish barber. He makes the mistake of popping in and asking for  a short back and sides. All the barber hears - or understands - is the word ' Short'.  'The Font' meets me at the little Italian coffee shop. I'm greeted with an involuntary  ' Goodness'. There is a pause and then ' You certainly got your money's worth '.

Down by the golf course you wouldn't know you were in Scotland. The place has become the 51st state. It's as if the entire population of the US has decamped here. At the coffee shop adjoining tables are taken by a couple from Princeton travelling with their daughter, four doctors from Monterey who played Carnoustie and are now waiting to play the 'Eden' and two widowers from Phoenix who come here every year to play golf and avoid the heat. It seems the Phoenix climate is already very hot. The mother of the teenage girl asks us to take their photo. Americans, it has to be said, are much more outgoing . Everyone is surprised by how good the weather is and all want restaurant recommendations. Tiger Woods and Justin Timberlakes planned restaurant and bar in the old cinema will be a gold mine.

Twice in the last month we've seen French  tourists parking outside the Royal and Ancient clubhouse. This morning we see another French car in the 'Captains' spot. This always makes us chuckle.

Dogs communicating :

A 20 year old Americans view on life abroad. Life is good :


WFT Nobby said...

For his next overseas experience, the student in the video should go some place where he's not always surrounded by his fellow countrymen. And maybe where a different language is spoken.
Cheers, Gail (who enjoyed two years as the sole Brit in Bartlesville, Oklahoma!)

Travel said...

Sorry about all of the golfers, we have not figured out how to control the population growth. I hope they spend lots of money there, keep Scotland green, bring lots of money.

Americans tend to be outgoing, some would love to come meet you and the font (and the next dog in your life.)

Coppa's girl said...

Interesting article on dog communication. Normally when my dog yawns at me she falls asleep soon afterwards!

Stephanie said...

More precisely, an extremely privileged segment of the US population has decamped to St. Andrews.

Jake of Florida said...

I've often been told "You Americans ask too many questions." Do you find that to be so with your crop of students and tourists, Angus?

Angus said...

Jake of Florida - Not at all. The difference is the American visitors are all so friendly unlike the slightly dour and reticent locals - like us. This may have something to do with the enthusiasm of incoming golfers. Sudden surges in visitor numbers are very visible in small towns. The closest comparison I can think of is San Gimignano in August or possibly Annapolis.

jabblog said...

Hair soon grows . . .

Anonymous said...

Younger men appear to be wearing their hair rather short hair these days.. You’re very fashion forward.