Monday, July 1, 2024

Recovering Gannets.

Beautiful weather for our walk along the coast . For part of the way we are joined by the two younger Jack Russells who accompany us as far as the golf course clubhouse. Here they leave us and head off towards the smell of bacon that is wafting from the kitchens. 'Puppy' and her sister have discovered that golfers seem to start their day with a full English breakfast. The Jack Russells aren't allowed in the kitchen but are greeted by name.  I guess this means they're frequent visitors.

Behind us the sun is climbing. We can just make out the silhouette of the last wee house before Denmark. It still seems odd to be so close to a town and yet be so remote. The good news is that the Gannetts seem to have recovered from Avian flu. There must be five hundred of them sitting squawking on the rocks by the shore.

In town the summer schools are now up and running. The airport shuttle service was kept busy all Sunday dropping off groups of kids at their halls of residence. The last of them seemed to arrive as we were leaving dinner at nine thirty last night. Teenagers of course don't suffer from anything as mundane as jet lag. If they do then a seven am dip in the sea water pool soon gets them in top gear. 

Eggs at the farm shop....

... and some Chanterelles. We also pick up two punnets of strawberries.

The lecturer from the French Department stops to ask our thoughts on the first round of the French elections. She doesn't think that the results are as 'epochal' as the papers would have us believe. France goes far Right while the UK seems set to  move back towards towards the centre. Who knows what America's up to ?

This cheery ( and instantly forgettable ) number on the radio this morning :

These seem to be a fashion staple :


jabblog said...

Beautiful wide sky in your first photograph.
Puppy and her sister seem to be known and welcome everywhere.

Angus said...

Jabblog - Puppy and her sister are certainly known everywhere. Welcome might be a different matter.

Travel said...

Nice farm shop!

Stephanie said...

Lovely pictures and I would so enjoy the farm shop. Very good news about the gannets. It would be nice to know the name of Puppy's sister.

Angus said...

Stephanie - 'Noreen'.

The Bougalou Bear said...

The chanterelles are beautiful, but the price tag made my eyes water...How do you cook them?

I agree with the French lecturer RE: elections legislatives results. The sky is not falling, and the high voter turn-out, surely, is a good thing. This snap election has at least managed to stir up interest in the electorate. I wonder if similar causes-everything being unequal- will have the same results with your elections?

Puppy and Noreen, the hight octane team. It is nice that they can run safely and freely around their countryside. So many dogs lead a sadly constricted life nowadays.

Jake of Florida said...

Not to spoil our fun, but does Puppy have her own name too ? And her other sister?

Stephanie said...

Noreen is a good name. Thank you.

Stephanie said...

Jake, I believe Puppy's actual name is indeed "Puppy."

Jake of Florida said...

Stephanie, I thought it was just our term of endearment!. Thank you.