Monday, June 10, 2024

Optimism in the air.

Graduation week. Our favourite week of the year. The town full of happy youngsters and proud parents. Optimism is in the air. In Starbucks the unusual sight of a mother already wearing a garden party hat although the first ceremony is three hours away.  Fathers in suits much in evidence. Suits are an item of clothing rarely seen in university towns. Half of the students are 'international' so there's an exotic side to some of the parents costumes. They probably think the  local boys in kilts are equally exotic. Teenage siblings brought along for the occasion trudge around looking as if they're torn between being soul crushingly bored and almightily irritated. Usually we're among the first to get to the supermarket but this morning there are lots of London folk buying croissants. The woman behind the bakery counter is very busy and isn't at all sure this is a ' Good morning '.

Rain is forecast around lunchtime but this morning the sky is mostly blue.

The upmarket ladies outfitters has some very chic golfing attire in the window.  Look closely and you can make out the Royal and Ancient clubhouse and the Swilken Bridge. 

The Principals cliff top garden with its view over the beach looking spick and span ahead of a series of garden parties. The lawns cut to perfection. In the sunshine you could almost think you were in the South of France.

Some last minute railing painting down by the graduation hall. It's clearly never too late to do some sprucing up.

This morning the carpet fitter is due at the wee house in town. He's driving from Perth so we've told him to arrive early if he wants to find a parking spot.


WFT Nobby said...

The golfing fraternity's (or sorority's) concept of 'chic' might not be understood on a Parisian catwalk.
Cheers, Gail.

jabblog said...

Strange creatures in the deepest sea. The sea pigs are oddly appealing.

Travel said...

Enjoy the people watching this week.

Coppa's girl said...

At first sight it's confusing, but that's a rather fancy gate in your last photo!