Wednesday, June 5, 2024


We watch the first election debate. I'd make a bet that the audience viewing figures fell off pretty rapidly after the first twenty minutes. Inspiring it wasn't. An hour of both candidates pretending that taxes won't be going up.

A squall sweeps in. The weather forecast has warned that a polar front was approaching from Norway. It arrives while we're on the beach. Blue skies one minute, climate Armageddon the next.

Clouds build up over the Estuary and then , in what seems an improbably short time span, gale force winds are sweeping over us and the town.

Lessons #1, #2 and #3 for enjoying life in Scotland. Always carry rainwear. The golfers on the Old Course are in for a surprise.

On our hurried way back to the warmth of the car we pass a fine blue door and an equally fine, if not finer, old door surround that's been filled in and turned into a window.

It's now 5 degrees, the sun is out, the storm has passed and the heating has been turned on. This may well be the first time we've ever had the heating on in June. The BBC morning weather forecast informs us, matter of factly , that  a 'smidgeon of snow' has fallen in the Highlands. The fact snow has fallen doesn't surprise us but the use of 'smidgeon ' does. When was the last time you ever heard anyone use that word ?

Mme Macron shines :

At the bookstore I'm told this soon to be published book - Playing Possum -  is an eye opener :


WFT Nobby said...

The old soldiers shine too.
The clouds over the beach photos are stunning. I gave a little wave to the Last House Before Denmark as my Heathrow to Aberdeen flight passed over at about 9:30 pm last night!
Cheers, Gail.

Liz Hamblyn said...

It was 4 C in rural New Zealand this morning, five days into winter, so 5C in Scotland for the first days of summer must be a tad cold.

Coppa's girl said...

The first two photos made my jaw drop - that's some storm on the way! Has summer been and gone?

Angus said...

Coppa's G - I hope not although looking at the grey skies I'm not so sure.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
It really has turned, eh? Rather put the dampeners on Lanark's Laminer's Week; those returning from the ride-out yesterday were looking fed up with wind and rain battering... and that was just the horses. The third photo today is the one I would frame... YAM xx

Lisa in France said...

Wonderful photos today, both sky and doors. Looking at these pictures, I can understand why you were drawn back to Scotland. I saw the video of Mme Macron just before I went to sleep last night and had left it up on my screen for my husband to see. The return of these ancient warriors has been terribly moving and seeing them treated with such respect is wonderful.

Tigger's Mum said...

Spectacular photos of climate Armageddon. I love the way such weather can sweep in over most parts of this island - from sun to force 7 in a puff of wind.

Travel said...

In for a bit of weather.

Camille said...

The Mme Macron link moved me to tears. My thanks to you and also to Gail for her comment that "old soldiers shine too". It brought up fond memories of my dear old Dad, now gone these five years, and his own flight back to revisit Omaha beach in peacetime.

Stephanie said...

I too was deeply moved by the Mme Macron link. We'll be purchasing paint today for our back door and are still discussing colors. Your recently featured doors have been inspiring. I do like the word "smidgeon."

Jake of Florida said...

The warmth of Mme Macron's greeting of those venerable veterans was truly "formidable." Through my tears I thought of my dad, a surgeon with a hospital in Nancy after D day, and all the brave young men and women who never returned. Angus thank you for sharing that link.

rottrover said...

The squall photos are stunning, and Mme Macron brought me to tears...

Anonymous said...

“Our boys” and Mme Macron brought me tears too. What an elegant and kind lady.