Sunday, June 23, 2024

The end of the phone box.

The UK election is 12 days away. We've now seen a grand total of 3 Scottish National Party posters and 4 for the Liberal Democrats. It would be an understatement to say that the latest 'betting' scandal is not working to the outgoing governments advantage. As Robert Louis Stevenson once said - 'Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences'.

The Glasgow hotel was full of London media types. We recognize a well known news reader drinking a beer in the lounge. Election times are when broadcasters bravely venture out into the 'regions' to determine what the locals are thinking. Scotland has its own wild and wooly election dynamics which stretch the understanding of most incomers.

Back here in St Andrews life, after a trip to the big city, is quiet. We spot a Chinese couple and a group of assistants being given a personal tour of the university. They are standing on the spot where the first of the Protestant martyrs was burnt at the stake. The power couple snap the site of the martyrdom while the assistants snap the power couple.

The last of the phone boxes is being decommissioned.

Back at home there is a letter telling us that our land line out here in the countryside is also going. I shall write to BT and ask them when they're going to upgrade our cellular signal - which is dire.

The first non-news about the Paris Olympics :  I'm surprised that any of the teams plan to go without aircon in the summer heat.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Aircon has become an addiction. Why bother to acclimate when you can run for the fridge and add to the problem? YAM xx

Anonymous said...

Well said, Hari

Travel said...

We have a landline, through our cable TV/Internet provider. I am still not ready to give it up.

Gemma's person said...

The cell service is so poor here, that land lines are going back in to people's houses.

Jake of Florida said...

We too have kept our landline for hurricane or other outages when cell phones are without power. ATT threatens to stop supporting landlines but so far hasn't. As for air conditioning, not easy to acclimate to 90 plus F. We've tried during past hurricane outages of two weeks!

Lisa in France said...

We never got around to organizing a landline when we moved to France, and I can't really say I've missed having one, although Jake's point is well taken. We had what must have been one of the last phone booths in Tokyo just across from the building we lived in, a very nice green one. It also served as a WiFi hotspot in later years, so I suspect that when I saw people using it, that was the purpose. We also had a Salvation Army center just down the hill from us in Tokyo, and they would come out at the holidays to play carols on the neighborhood streets. It always surprised me.

Anonymous said...

Still have a landline here for calls from chatty relatives* and friends as well as for emergencies. No companies offer new landline service. This morning Tom Douglas, a local restauranteur mentioned a recent trip to St Andrews and the Raffles Hotel.
*landline handset is more comfortable to hold than cell phone and I dislike speaker phone.