Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Sunrise. There are mornings when a family princess recognizes that there are some things that can't be changed.

Like expecting a sense of dignity from an oaf of a brother.

Best thing to do is go and steal his spot on the stoop. You might not be able to change him but you can annoy him.

So starts a Tuesday morning with two Polish Lowland Sheepdogs.

Would you stay here ? : https://www.lamag.com/digestblog/taco-bell-hotel-palm-springs/


Lisa in Tokyo said...

Sophie is not the one we usually associate with quiet dignity, but she is doing an excellent Bob impression there on the stoop. At least she has not attempted to co-opt the stump seat, which would possibly push Bob beyond his limits. I personally would never stay at a Taco Bell hotel, even in Palm Springs!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Personally, I am all for Bob's grass-bathing on a summer's morning, sorry Sophie. Taco Bell? They do hotels? Yeeechh... YAM xx

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

It is great fun to see Bob kick his paws up, all four of them!

WFT Nobby said...

I think I would pay NOT to stay in the Taco Bell hotel...