Thank you for all your best wishes for Bob. Not only do the members of the local rugby team know him by name but so do all the village pre-schoolers and an eclectic mix of bloggers around the world. Not bad going for a six year old Polish Lowland Sheepdog boy.
Bob passed a quiet night. The youngest of the vets was in early to check up on him. His tail wagged when he saw her. A conference call when all three of them make it into the surgery at eight. They are all absolutely firm in their belief that he should go to the clinic in Toulouse for another two nights. Not a very pleasant thing for the family fellow to go through but it's good news that our local vets aren't willing to give up hope yet. A change from their outlook yesterday.
It's a weekend staff at the clinic. 'The Font' is allowed to give the family fellow a walk round the car park. Bob has a long pee - his first since yesterday afternoon. As long as he wants to fight and isn't in pain we'll be there. The district nurse says Angus can go over to visit Bob tomorrow . " Just don't pick him up '' she says sternly.
I feel like I am stalking you today, and you have my apologies for that. But this is news that allows hope to remain.
Stalk away ! Having prepared for the worst after yesterdays final consultation we're surprised and delighted by the vets outlook this morning. Perhaps, just perhaps, the toxic walnuts won't do their worst !
I am heartened by news of Bob's long pee for the Font, and the fact that Bob is somehow getting through separation from the ROF and you. I recall spending hours on the floor of a cage @ Tufts consoling my crying golden after hip surgery. There was a sign on the cage: "Hannah misses her family". She wouldn't eat, pee or walk for the staff but she did for me....they encouraged me to stay with her. Bob will feel better when his Dad & Mom visit. Bring a cushion to get comfy. Prayers and love to all. XXXX
Another stalker here - I was almost afraid to check for any updates tonight, but so happy to know that things seem to be moving in a better direction. The long pee sounds like good news for a boy with kidney issues. PONs are tough dogs, no doubt about it. Go, Bob!
the long pee seems to be a good sign, it will flush out the Toxins. Luzia from Basel
Paws crossed for "the boy"!!!
Still holding our breath here in Aberdeen. Thanks for taking the time to post an update for all those of us round the world who have come to love Bob.
Sending you good thoughts from Ohio! Thinking of Bob (and the rest of the gang).
Prayers for Bob and his family!
Thinking of y'all constantly, and sending all good thoughts.
Exactly what I was thinking. Seems a good sign to me. N. Carolina here checking back in hopes.
Bob - there are lots of curly ends of croissants waiting for you in many days to come!
So so glad to hear better news. You are all in often sent prayers.
Oh dearest Bob and family!!!! Sending all of you my most positive thoughts from Lisbon. You are a brave boy and you will be around us for long, for the delight of family and friends. Keeping you all in my heart. Lots of hugs and croissant ends 😘😘
What a relief to see your caption this morning. I was dreading opening your post for fear of what the news might be today. Three cheers for a long pee! I also hope Sophie is holding up okay. So frustrating when one can't explain to them what is going on.
Catching up, I read this first and then yesterday's news. Almost in tears--and I am terrified of dogs. But Bob and Sophie are such fully formed personalities. I hope the drip and fluids lead to many more long pees and elimination of toxic walnuts or whatever brought Bob down. Good luck to you and the Font as well, and of course poor Sophie. Breaks my heart.
I'm so pleased to hear this news. The peeing does sound promising.
Yesterday we were so disheartened and sad. Today's news about Bob having a good pee is the best thing to read. Our hopes for a speedy recovery are with you.
Today is my Thanksgiving! Vets consulting one another for Bob’s best healing; fluffy tail wagging in a strange place for Bob; a walk with The Font; a long flow of toxins leaving Bob’s body; decisions based on hope! ! ! Sophie will be able to detect the positive change in attitude from her beloved humans. Continued Love, Thoughts, and Prayers surrounding all of you.
Oh Angus! Only just caught up with your news. Lost for words. As everyone says - long pee sounds like a Good Thing. Speedy recovery for both of you. We'll be thinking of you all.
I join all of Bob's friends in hoping for the best and sending get-well thoughts through the ether to him.
There is good reason for hope. Darling Bob and all of you are in my prayers.
I too missed yesterday's post and read this one first. I am so very sorry to hear that the family fellow is very much under the weather. Tears when I read yesterdays news.
Sending healing vibes and prayers to you all. Come on Bob - you and Angus still have so much of the world to put to rights.
Sad news about Bob being sick. Hope he gets better soon.
Thank you for this more hopeful update. We are heartened that the vets are so involved and pro-active in his care. Getting to see Bob tomorrow? Clearly, a best day ever for you and I know Bob will feel the same. Interesting how Bob, who seems to feel things deeply, had his partial paralysis problem when Sophie was undergoing hospital surgerie for her rear legs and now Bob gets seriously sick again when you go off to the hospital. Please keep us posted. He is such a special guy.
I am so glad to read there is now hope. Angus, perhaps take one or two of your unwashed shirts (with no buttons to chew!) and/or something that smells of Sophie for Bob to have with him while he is at the clinic in Toulouse, as inhaling familiar smells can be comforting for a much loved dog while away from their pack.
Keeping the ROFH family in my thoughts and prayers and so delighted with the tail wag and long pee. I know cautious optimism is called for, but I really think he is rallying, Go Bob, go - keep healing and getting stronger - so many more adventures are ahead for you sweet boy! Thank you Angus for keeping us updated and please do take care of yourself as you are healing too!
It takes a certainly does. Loving owners, a surprisingly loving sibling, a team of caring Vets, and worldwide followers who all have grown to adore BOB. ANGUS - your post brought much relief and hope. After a tear-filled evening and sleepless night here on the Westcoast of Canada - there is reason to believe that the Family Fellow may pull a miracle out of the hat. Great suggestion (from The Life of Riley) to take a shirt with your smells and something of SOPHIE as well with you when you visit! Fingers crossed for all of you. With much love.
Good on you Bob.
I would like to add to the hope and say that our much loved kitty Grumpy had kidney failure in December 2013, the vets did not think she would survive but after 7 days on a drip her kidneys were working properly again and she returned home. We had to change her diet, we syringe fed her for two months until she felt like eating again because a big side effect can be nausea which makes them not want to eat, but she was with us for another wonderful almost 6 years.
I will keep on keeping a good thought for you all. They are our much loved pets and when something like this happens we discover not only do we love them but the people all over the world who read our blogs care about them too.
I thought often of Bob overnight since hearing this news yesterday, especially as we have personal experience with this particular problem. But also of Sophie who must be missing him very much.
Hugs and love to you all.
Fantastic idea! I always sent a beloved blanket & soft toy but will be doing this going forward.
Thanks for sharing with the rest of us.
Best wishes to the entire family from here in Maryland. Hope for strength and healing.
This is so encouraging that Bob wag his tail.
Be glad when he is home again..
🙏🏻 for all of you..
I haven't been able to check in to leave messages. Can't send in with Google. Using my old iPod. It will let me check in. All other tech items will not be check in.
Hari OM
Me's here too, wishing all the best possible outcome for the family fellow... I am sure all this pawsitivity from his furiends must be reaching Bob! YAM xx
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