Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Sophie is up and about early which is more than can be said for the hyacinths which steadfastly refuse to do anything much. We had hoped they'd be out in time for Christmas but I guess we didn't stipulate which year.

The moles have been busy again. It must be something to do with this unseasonal warmth. The lawn a disaster zone. There must be a couple of hundred or so of these unsightly mounds scattered around the garden. 

Sophie spends much of her day excavating these mole hills. The fact the moles are long gone doesn't seem to impact on her enjoyment. 

What better way for a girl to enjoy herself than by digging up the lawn ? She is certainly too distracted to discuss how Senator Warren did in last nights debate and she certainly doesn't want to hear the name Lev Parnas mentioned - ever. 


Lisa in France said...

Sophie certainly looks very satisfied with her life today. Somehow, I think she is a Bernie girl (maybe it's the hair?).

Angus said...

We're thinking more Andrew Yang.

WFT Nobby said...

All you need now is some badgers to assist in the laying waste to the lawn...

Angus said...

Wild boar are even better than badgers at upending lawns. We have a sturdy fence to keep both types away from the PONette.

Taste of France said...

The soft dirt makes moles happy. The village park's beautiful lawn was full of mole hills one winter, but they disappeared. I doubt the moles were poisoned--the lawn is where the village babies learn to walk and the village dogs poop. Maybe they moved out when the weather warmed up and the lawn drew more visitors? In any case, the lawn this year is mole-free. I hope your subterranean tenants also decide to move, though not to the Old Farmer's place.

Sheila said...

Perhaps hyacinth bulbs purchased well in advance of Christmas next year and then subjected to a couple of weeks in the chilly dark wine cellar before being brought into the light and warmth might work.
I'm with Sophie on the subject of Lev Parnas.

Poppy Q said...

A good day for you miss Sophie.

EAS said...

WOW! Those moles are persistent. Seeing the mounds on your otherwise lush, beautiful grass reminds me of the very funny, but totally not PC (especially per today's standards) movie Caddyshack. If it all becomes a bit too much and you need a laugh, I highly recommend it.