Sunday, June 21, 2020

Judging the kettle.

Sophie races down the track to the stream and waterfall. This morning she doesn't even bother to check that I'm following her. Too beautiful a day to think of anything other than warmth and sunshine, blue skies and badger poo.

There is a duck sunbathing on the side of the stream. It waddles off when it hears the sound of a howling PONette in hunting mode . The duck paddles into the stream. PONette tries to brake on the slippery mud but doesn't manage to slow down in time. Outcome ? One wet and unhappy PONette. The duck is unperturbed, as in completely unperturbed. Angus tells his furry companion that he'd read that PONs were supposed to be intelligent dogs. This attempt at humour is ignored. 

On the way home in the car we discuss the unusual Barr - Berman spat and the stonker of a line ' you have chosen public spectacle over public service'. Sophie thinks this is an example of the pot judging the kettle .

A sodden Sophie is left on the lawn to dry out.

Another walk along the lane soon has her coat dry. We maintain a brisk pace this morning because of the cows in the field.

Even more alarming for the family diva is the presence of a solitary bull that wanders towards her. Our morning pace moves from brisk to hurried. Angus is positioned between bull and family diva who is told there's no need for alarm.  A solitary bull in a field of thirty or so heffers must be a very happy but very tired fellow .

No luck with finding a restaurant on Saturday night for 'The Fonts' birthday. It's also Fathers Day and seating has been moved outside. There's probably only 25% of the seating that is usually available. I book somewhere for Thursday night.  Better late than never.

Village life .

A fun read :

Supposedly the best restaurant in the world


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...then again, the bull may be on protect mode...

A meal out is a meal out and to be cherished after so long. The Font, I am certain, will enjoy herself just fine. YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

The photos of sodden Sophie have me feeling grateful for Bertie's water repellent wiry coat. Heavy rain for this morning's walk around Duthie Park, and only his beard is looking bedraggled.
Cheers, Gail.
PS We are all epidemiologists now...

Virginia said...

Those photos of poor Sophie had me chuckling - she looks so indignant! How dare this happen to me - it must be someone's fault! At one point as we went into less stringent lockdown levels, restaurants were allowed to open, with physical distancing, but had to have two distinct times on offer Early (5.30-7.30) and late (7.30-9.30) with people allowed to stay for only a maximum of two hours, and no mingling between the tables. Our favourite restaurant was so heavily booked we had to book a week in advance, and accept an Early sitting, which we actually didn't mind. A Very Happy birthday to the Font. Ear scrunches to Miss Sophie, tell her she looks beautiful even when she's had a dunking!

Lisa in France said...

Poor Sophie really doesn't look happy - don't you wonder how this breed managed out in the fields with their flocks? I loved the piece about the Florida restaurant and the "Karens" - is there a French equivalent? Today was actually a wonderful day, to wake up and read the final (?) chapter of the Barr/Berman story and find that nothing terrible had happened in Tulsa, except perhaps (hopefully?) to the host.

Ruth said...

Your pictures of life in France and the beautiful Sophie make me happy. Thank you

Poppy Q said...

I agree with Ruth. Your sunny pictures make me envious of your summer day, as we have our heaters and electric blanket on tonight.

Julie Q

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Definitely a case of the 'pot calling the kettle'. Poor bedraggled Sophie......