Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I'll settle for this.

Sophie sits in the garden and watches the sunrise over the bales of hay.

Four oil rigs out in the bay this morning. Their lights glowing like giant Christmas trees  on the horizon. 

We've been up early talking to Manhattanites and the super smart Los Angeleans  about Russia and Ukraine. Sophie, very sensibly, has slept through the metaphorical gloom with her chin resting on my foot. Every so often she flips inelegantly on her back and snores. 

It's going to be one of those perfect northern days when the air is clear and the sun warm. The seals are out in the sea breakfasting on the thick shoals of fish that swim up and down the coast. From time to time a solitary seal pops its head up through the swell. There's something comical about seals. A dozen cormorants stand, in a group, on a rock drying their wings. Sophie ignores them all. She has voles on her mind.

We used to have two large pigeons that called the garden their home. A pile of feathers tells us a local hawk has done for one of them during the night. The remaining pigeon looks somewhat forlorn.

So starts a glorious October Wednesday morning with a happy Polish Lowland Sheepdog in a small Scottish village where nothing ever happens. In a turbulent world I'll happily settle for this. Finished the Maggie Haberman book last night. Left me wondering what a second term would look like. Vengeful ?


WFT Nobby said...

Northern sunrise over the sea. It all looks so peaceful. Do the Los Angelenos have any super smart insights about Russia and Ukraine?

Poppy Q said...

Poor Pigeon, and poor little one left behind. The world seems to be going crazy. Glad to be hidden in little NZ.

Travel said...

A second - we haven't recovered from the first.

Coppa's girl said...

What a glorious sunrise. Well worth getting up early just to sit and enjoy it.
Seals always make me smile too - they have such sweet faces.
I am of an age now where I refuse to read books which are likely to depress, annoy or confuse me. I'll join Sophie and watch the sun come up, so much better for the blood pressure!

Melinda from Ontario said...

I hope your lonely pigeon finds a new partner. I've read pigeons mate for life but they'll do their best to find another mate rather than remain alone. What a lovely home this pigeon can offer a prospective life partner. I will await news of a future love match.

Jake of Florida said...

Heartbreaking events in Ukraine.
Wonder what your Manhattanites and super smart LosAngeleans think about the latest horrors.

Jim Davis said...

A second term would be the end of the American democracy experiment.

rottrover said...

I have to agree with Mr. Davis. As a result I'm going to allow myself to be mesmerized the that first photo of Sophie in your garden. So peaceful and so far away from the madness.

Tink said...

My day has not properly begun before I share early mornings with Sophie!

Louise said...

I can smell that little shop