A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
A friends ear.
It's been a busy morning. The village has been checked, arthritic Archie greeted and the Jack Russells ignored. Now, after a hail drenched walk on the beach, the best thing a girl can do is curl up on a carpet and gnaw the ear of an old and trusted friend. A restorative nap may follow. A divas life is never dull.
We could do with some dullness back here in France. My kid nearly got caught up in the manifs in Toulouse yesterday. Went down a street to avoid them, only to turn a corner and run into a wall of "les forces de l'ordre." Turned back and discovered the street they'd just been on was full of black-clad guys with bats, who were smashing anything they could find. Turned back to the cops, who let the kid and friends pass. I don't understand the participation of the youths. The alternatives to working longer (which they should realize would happen eventually anyway) are cutting pensions (probably should at the top end, but very VERY unpopular), increasing employee contributions (which falls on younger people), and increasing employer contributions (which would just make employers hire fewer people).
Taste of France - I'm guessing from your comment that this is somehow different ( more serious ) than the yellow vest demonstrations of a couple of years ago. The Anger Management Man seems upset with Macron, but then he was always upset about something or someone. We got used to some form of unhappiness every three or four years so we've assumed this time it's more of the same. Retirement at 62 seems to be a luxury few countries can afford but perhaps you need a politician who is perceived as less arrogant to explain that.
The Yellow Vests were destructive on their own. I saw plenty of older yellow vests (the majority of yellow vests were older--my age (60s) and up) throwing pallets on fires at the roundabouts. Not many younger people. This time, the unions seem to have their own people under control, but the Black Bloc element seems to have resurfaced, trailing the official protests and destroying everything en route. I doubt they're the same people who tore up Seattle during the WTO meeting in 1999 and Genoa during the G20 in 2001. It's a new generation of anarchists. Break everything. Just had the kid on the phone--the anarchists burned the parasols and tables of restaurant terraces. How does that advance the cause of the retirement age? Restaurants are too capitalist?
Like Nobby, our thoughts went to "bending an ear". Walking in rain is a form of going above and beyond for one's furry companion, but HAIL! Sophie is one well-loved girl! Also, I forgot to comment on the beautiful sky pictures in Monday and Tuesday's posts. Gorgeous!
Charlie's best friend "Warthog" arrived yesterday from Tokyo, and it was a joyous reunion. Warthog was Cherry's beloved toy, and even though Warthog was about as big as Charlie when Charlie first joined us, he loved it immediately and it has been his best friend ever since. Warthog has been mended and restuffed so many times, we're not sure how much longer he can hold out, but for the moment . . . all is well.
I'm reminded of 1968 protests...in Paris with the "greve generale," in Germany with Rudi and the student movement, and even here in the US at the political convention. I was living in Paris at the time and will never forget what it felt and looked like.
A new dimension to the expression 'lending an ear'!
Sophie and friend look extremely comfortable after her exertions.
We could do with some dullness back here in France. My kid nearly got caught up in the manifs in Toulouse yesterday. Went down a street to avoid them, only to turn a corner and run into a wall of "les forces de l'ordre." Turned back and discovered the street they'd just been on was full of black-clad guys with bats, who were smashing anything they could find. Turned back to the cops, who let the kid and friends pass.
I don't understand the participation of the youths. The alternatives to working longer (which they should realize would happen eventually anyway) are cutting pensions (probably should at the top end, but very VERY unpopular), increasing employee contributions (which falls on younger people), and increasing employer contributions (which would just make employers hire fewer people).
Taste of France - I'm guessing from your comment that this is somehow different ( more serious ) than the yellow vest demonstrations of a couple of years ago. The Anger Management Man seems upset with Macron, but then he was always upset about something or someone. We got used to some form of unhappiness every three or four years so we've assumed this time it's more of the same. Retirement at 62 seems to be a luxury few countries can afford but perhaps you need a politician who is perceived as less arrogant to explain that.
Sophie has earned her day of rest. She looks very contented.
The Yellow Vests were destructive on their own. I saw plenty of older yellow vests (the majority of yellow vests were older--my age (60s) and up) throwing pallets on fires at the roundabouts. Not many younger people.
This time, the unions seem to have their own people under control, but the Black Bloc element seems to have resurfaced, trailing the official protests and destroying everything en route. I doubt they're the same people who tore up Seattle during the WTO meeting in 1999 and Genoa during the G20 in 2001. It's a new generation of anarchists. Break everything. Just had the kid on the phone--the anarchists burned the parasols and tables of restaurant terraces. How does that advance the cause of the retirement age? Restaurants are too capitalist?
A warm floor in the last house before Denmark sounds like a great place to be this morning.
I am almost in tears... how much she loves and depends on her pal.
Like Nobby, our thoughts went to "bending an ear". Walking in rain is a form of going above and beyond for one's furry companion, but HAIL! Sophie is one well-loved girl! Also, I forgot to comment on the beautiful sky pictures in Monday and Tuesday's posts. Gorgeous!
Charlie's best friend "Warthog" arrived yesterday from Tokyo, and it was a joyous reunion. Warthog was Cherry's beloved toy, and even though Warthog was about as big as Charlie when Charlie first joined us, he loved it immediately and it has been his best friend ever since. Warthog has been mended and restuffed so many times, we're not sure how much longer he can hold out, but for the moment . . . all is well.
I'm reminded of 1968 protests...in Paris with the "greve generale," in Germany with Rudi and the student movement, and even here in the US at the political convention. I was living in Paris at the time and will never forget what it felt and looked like.
Furry friends are the best.
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