Six deer down on the waters edge this morning. They're grazing happily away in the thin strip of uncultivated ground where the fields merge in to the sea. That's good news. Recently we've only seen three of them. To see the whole herd together is a small and unexpected delight. The two bucks peer warily at us but the females munch unconcernedly away. They seem to have understood that Sophie's contra-indicatory hunting technique is sound heavy but threat light. This morning there are wild pheasants everywhere. They have moved in droves from the shelter of the woodlands and are noisily doing whatever pheasants do in the newly sprouting fields of grass.

We go to the small beach by the harbour. I promise you we won't do this again anytime soon. The far end of the beach where the fishermen dock is teeming with student surfers. There must be seventy or eighty of them. They can walk out to the end of the pier, dive in and then catch the waves inshore. It goes without saying that Sophie feels compelled to stop and introduce herself to everyone she sees. This means that progress along the beach is conducted at a sub-optimal pace. I laugh at the memory of the timid wee girl that hid behind her brother and who now seems to have discarded all sense of fear. The small beach has one advantage. There is a good cafe on the sand next to the lifeboat station at the quiet, surfer free, end of the beach. It makes a wicked bacon roll. Dog and companion sit on the grass, share the roll and watch the waves roll in. A bowl of fresh water is brought out for my shaggy companion. Human customers would not get this level of personalized service.
A quick detour to the supermarket for some milk. I pick up an Easter 'dog'. £6 for 100 g of chocolate. A triumph of marketing.
Does anyone else see the likeness between Curly the Puppy and the family diva ?
Curly the Puppy's nose cannot begin to compete with the splendor of Sophie's. He is pretty cute, though.
Who would want to eat such a cute pup? Sophie's nose would be difficult to replicate - even 100% dark chocolate would not be shiny enough!
Rough and cold seas here too and yesterday we watched the surfers from the safety of the promenade on our morning walk.
A wicked bacon roll - oh wow - we're green with envy!
Sophie is much prettier than Curly. I can't see the attraction of a confectionery dog but that's illogical, since I do like chocolate rabbits - for the children, of course.
A passing likeness perhaps. At that price, let's hope it's good quality chocolate.
To celebrate Bertie's first birthday I made the mistake of constructing a cake in the shape of a fox terrier. Then I found I really didn't want to cut off 'Bertie's' head and eat it!
Cheers, Gail.
Hari OM
It is the eye of the beholder that counts for any beauty, Angus, dear... And for me, that top picture is a Top Picture!!! YAM xx
Such a pretty girl,
There is definitely a resemblance!
Cheers for the "wicked" bacon roll, coffee, and bowl of water...
Did Sophie rate the wicked bacon roll 15/10? What a lovely morning on the beach for you.
Gail - The cake is adorable as is the entire post! The link was missing a bit on the end. Here is what got me there:
In the shape of the head I see the likeness. But the diva is incomparable otherwise.
I had no idea that the family diva is a chocolate model in her spare time!
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