Sunday, July 7, 2024

A wet summer.


Saturday night. England beat Switzerland 5-3 in the football championship. This match doesn't much interest the locals ( Scotland having been sent home some time ago ) but the shouts and screams emanating from the local hostelries tell us that the visitors from south of the border are heavily invested in what's going on. This is turning out to be a bumper year for the bar owners. Tables of slightly bemused American golfers , out for a night cap, look on. 

Sunday morning dawns bright but chilly. Last year by this stage in July we had gone 33 days without rain. This year it's been much wetter. Much wetter. The local farmers need some sunshine to bring the potato crop along. Is it my imagination or are the poppies particularly red this year ?

Two large hares hurtle across the recently ploughed cauliflower field as we approach. On the far side of the field they turn at right angles and  follow the line of the stone wall down to the shore. We laugh.

Town quiet. The summer schoolers are still asleep and the first tourists haven't arrived on the bus from Edinburgh. We greet a lady being taken for a walk by her beagle. After that we don't see anyone else for a good ten minutes. Inside the hotels a few of the football fans will be nursing hangovers and wishing they hadn't had that final celebratory glass of whisky....or two.

Bow ties have multiplied in the kilt makers window.

Memory of the week - sitting on the sofa on Thursday night waiting for the exit poll.  That was a nail biting time. Two days on and the new government is in place. How  smoothly and quickly power has been transferred. The Prime Minister seems much more at ease governing than he did campaigning. Just after nine tonight we'll know what's happened in France. This truly is a year of elections.

French lawyers :

Smoking :

A different view :

Such a simple thing and so hard to find :


The Life of Riley said...

There is a reason for not many wire-bristle BBQ brushes. Google Barbeque brush injuries and you will find over 100,000 articles on why you and "The Font" should consider not using them and instead find an alternative. When bits of the bristle break off and get eaten hidden in BBQ food, many people end up seriously ill after ingesting wires that get lodged inside their bodies.

WFT Nobby said...

Keir Starmer becomes Prime Minister and suddenly the England football team acquire the ability to win in penalty shoot outs. Coincidence??

Angus said...

WFT - Our neighbouring farmer ( a staunch Tory ) pointed out that it's rained solidly every nights since Labour took power. Proof there is such a thing as Fife humour.

WendyAnn said...

The top two photos are sublime - also yesterday's Starlings
Wendy (Wales)

WendyAnn said...

Top 3 photos
Wendy (Wales)

Tara said...

A year for elections. I'm in the U.S. You ain't kidding! Ugh!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
The person undergoing a multi-stage interview for a top job in any company may not always be smiling and relaxed - but once the position is gained, they can breathe and get on with the job. Until they hit the first hurdle, of course, then their mettle will be tested! YAM xx

Diaday said...

That pop of poppy red against the green landscape is stunning!

Stephanie said...

"The poppies lithe and fleet seem running, fiery torchmen, to mark the shore." ("Poppies on the Wheat" by Helen Hunt)

Jim Davis said...

I envy you and the peaceful transfer of power, we can only hope to have that happen here in the US.