Friday, July 26, 2024

More chocolate.


We meet the German family. This morning the mother and the youngest are out gathering wildflowers in the hedgerows. They already have a trug full.

The father and the two other youngsters head to the beach. Father spends three hours with the children in the morning before heading into the economics department for meetings. He's back home mid afternoon which enables him to spend more time on the sand with the family. They set off for Heidelberg on August 20th when the Scots family they've done a house swap with return. " We didn't know places like this still existed " he tells me. I take this to be a positive.

The postman delivers another birthday box of chocolates. Angus is rather surprised to be sent rose and violet creams. You'd have thought they went out of fashion at the same time as Barbara Cartland. Still when it comes to chocolates who wants to be too choosy ? 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I can almost smell those chox! Do tantalise us with descriptions of the taste and texture... Second thoughts that might amount to torture! YAM xx

Lisa in France said...

What beautiful wildflowers. I can understand why the German father is happy for his kids to have this experience.

jabblog said...

The wildflowers are lovely. The poppies are so vivid.

WFT Nobby said...

Such a colourful array of wildflowers around in Scotland just now. At least there's a plus side to the high rainfall this year!

Travel said...

The chamber of commerce or visitors bureau should pay you for your descriptions of life at the last stop before Denmark.

Coppa's girl said...

The first photo especially is a delight - the flowers are beautiful. Poppies have always been my favourite.
Don't think I'd be too choosey when it comes to chocolates - as long as it's dark chocolate - I'm quite happy!

Stephanie said...

Your beautiful photos of the wildflowers are so cheering; I always return to them throughout the day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Angus - from your friends in Aberdeen, MD:)