Saturday, July 13, 2024

Clear plastic ponchos.

The weather remains 'changeable'. Wet in the morning, sunny in the afternoon and wet again after dinner. Golfers who have been to Scotland before have brought rain wear. Those who haven't brave the elements in shorts and tee shirts supplemented by those flimsy clear plastic ponchos that are the hallmark of the tourist. When the sun comes out and the humidity rises see through ponchos turn into miniature hot houses.

As we set off down the track towards the seashore  a Fisheries Patrol Vessel heads into the bay. Does their arrival signal a storm out in the North Sea ?

The marquees are going up for the womens golf championship. Seen from our perspective on the beach it can be said that the marquees are huge. Somewhere along the line golf has become a BIG thing. 

The fancy ladies fashion store displaying their latest fashions. We agree that there is something of the 1950's in this mornings look. 

I'm not going to say it's quiet but ducks and herons our only companions down by the harbour. You draw your own conclusions.

We drive across to pick up two pictures from the auction house in Glasgow. We put in extremely cheeky on-line bids and to our surprise got what we wanted. The auction house is having a sale of historic biscuit tins. This is such an unusual topic for a sale that we stop and examine them. Some collections go beyond the merely unusual into the realms of the downright 'odd'. 

The pictures are rather larger than we remembered. They just, with some careful arranging, fit into the back of the car. We stop off at a Starbucks in an industrial waste land between the police station and the Ibrox football stadium for a restorative espresso. This turns out to be one of those Scottish Starbucks that doesn't see much demand for espressos. 

Would you want to stay here ? A Hamburg air raid shelter transformed into a hotel :


WFT Nobby said...

I'm looking forward to a 'picture reveal' post.
When I took Bertie to a specialist dermatologist based near the Ibrox Stadium (in 2017) I enjoyed an excellent coffee and snack at a cafe located inside church which had been converted into a climbing centre. I'm sure they'd run to a decent espresso!
Cheers, Gail.

Tara said...

Looking forward to seeing the new artwork! Also looking forward to seeing a new PON. Any news on your prospective new pupper? (Not that it's in any way right to rush a lady who is not ready to give up her companion.) I'm channeling my own issues in that I never feel quite right without a dog in my home.

jabblog said...

Isn't all sport 'big' these days? Every event comes with its own version of razzmatazz.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
We all collect something - clearly you collect art in various forms! I have a penchant for decorative tea containers, so the biscuit tins caught my eye. Particularly the Chinoiserie pillar one... it's a thing... YAM xx

Stephanie said...

A haunting beauty well captured in the first photo.

Jake of Florida said...

Clicking on the channels this afternoon and suddenly we're at the Scottish Open...umbrellas and all. Fun to be so virtually close.

Angus said...

Tara - We continue to wait. Both lady and Cabbage ar in no rush to change their routines.

Jake of F - Just a little down the coast and the weather is just as miserable. Seemingly the wettest summer in 98 years.