Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Sporran fondling.

It's Scottish school holiday time. Although we're out early the beach is already peppered with young fathers banished from the house with early rising and overly excited four year olds. It rained heavily yesterday so there's a lot of pent up pre-schooler energy around. A few toddlers confuse adventure with foolhardiness and venture into the water. They quickly discover that the North Sea remains toe numbingly cold all through the year. Shrieks rend the air.

In town large groups of sensibly dressed Italian tourists prowl the streets. They stick closely together as if danger might lurk around the next corner. On the pavement outside the  kilt makers they stop and examine the bekilted mannequin by the door. Without exception they all touch the mannequins sporran as if it's some sort of  venerable religious relic. A Celtic Shroud of Turin . Sporran fondling is not something you see every day. All the Italians are wearing sunglasses which signals a collectively optimistic view of the Scottish weather.

The art gallery has a new owner. 

Two ceramic dog sculptures have pride of place in the window. I bet they sell quickly.

The wildflower meadows down by the estuary home to scores of larks. A particularly audacious one rises skywards and flies defiantly over us  before heading back to its nest. The presumably soar like this to distract intruders wandering close to their chicks. . Lark song is particularly beautiful.  They used to be common birds but are now firmly on the red list . 

Todays radio music. The eagle eyed among you will notice the butler from Downton Abbey and a young  Ewan McGregor in this snippet from a 1990's 'tear jerker' of  a British film  :

We've come a long way in our understanding :


WFT Nobby said...

Nobby would like to enquire about the price of the dog sculptures.
Gail is proud to say that the director of the wonderful film 'Brassed Off' is a somewhat distant relative (mother's cousin's son, I think).

jabblog said...

The dog sculptures are wonderful.
I wonder if any Italians were moved to purchase a sporran as a memento of their holiday.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
... I wouldn't want to be the one doing the dusting in the household that adopts those dogs! (Handsome though they be...) YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

The dog sculptures are magnificent, expressive (and if one can afford to buy them why be concerned about mundanities like dusting). As a child I used to have a task shifting irrigation gates on the farm, and between moves would lie in grass listening to and trying to spot the larks rising, trilling, into the summer sky. The song would end with a sudden vertical dive.

Travel said...

I would think you have to get to know a man rather well, before asking is you can fondle his sporran.

Stephanie said...

The cloud picture is rather dramatic.

10NISNE1 said...

The dog sculptures are amazing!

rottrover said...

I remember you posting a photo of a badger sporran a couple of years ago. That I would have fondled! Magnificent music this morning from a film I've not heard of...A search of streaming services will be under way soon.

A friend just returned from Italy where, she said, it was very hot. Your Italian visitors must be enjoying their trip to your part of the world.

Anonymous said...

Love the dog sculptures. Lots of recognizable actors in the video, including the priest from Ballykissangel

Gemma's person said...

The pups touch my heart, thank you for sharing.