Friday, July 12, 2024

Membership renewal.

Englands footballers and President Bidens latest , stumbling,  press conference dominate the morning breakfast programme on BBC Radio 4. There's also a rather strange and sad story of a mother and two daughters being killed by a young man with a crossbow. He seems to have been a jilted boyfriend of one of the girls. An expert is criticising the government for not banning crossbows. It is exactly a week since the election so you'd think he might cut them a little slack.

Still no progress on the smart meter for the hybrid car we've ordered. I call the electricity company to complain and the woman who answers the phone says that she'll 'escalate' the issue. In the last week three separate companies have told me that they'll 'escalate' things. This is clearly a new catch all 'keep the client quiet'  response. When you ask what exactly escalation means there is silence. This is my latest pet peeve .

We seem to have lost half of the swallow chicks from their nests under the church eaves. I think it might be down to sparrow hawks but the church warden says it's more likely they've fallen from the nests while feeding. The other six remaining  chicks seem to be thriving. Fingers crossed for the coming week. We're told an Osprey nest has been seen. If true - and it seems improbable - that would be great news.

Time for us to renew our National Trust membership. 

Our nearest NT property is a rather fine royal hunting lodge. The lady behind the counter deals with our renewal with an unbridled enthusiasm that hints that this may have been an exceedingly quiet day. From the number of Mary Queen of Scots books in the gift shop it can safely be assumed this was one of her favourite places. A smattering of tourists sit at the tables of a cafe across the road from the entrance. They seem oblivious to the light drizzle that has started the very moment we get out of the car.

The childrens books on sale make it clear that Scots culture for pre-schoolers is not only alive and well but thriving.

Back in town twenty or so surfers are braving the summer weather which is continuing to drizzle.


WFT Nobby said...

Thanks for the link the fascinating article about the distribution of wealth in the UK and beyond. Much food for thought for Rachel Reeves!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well... when I named my van mascot Hettie the Heilan' Coo, I had no idea there was a book about her! Three books, in fact. Is Hettie a common name then? A small example of there being no such thing as original thought?.. YAM xx

jabblog said...

The two surviving 6-week-old osplets at Loch Arkaig have been relocated to Spain because they were not being fed sufficiently. Further south, the four Poole Harbour osplets continue to grow and thrive.

Travel said...

A hint on a new car that was mentioned a few weeks ago. The condominium installed chargers a couple of years ago.

Lisa in France said...

Both the article about swimming analytics and the UK analysis were very interesting. The UK analysis made me think of Japan, where everything is focused on Tokyo and the other major cities (Osaka, Fukuoka, Sapporo, etc.) don't really progress. We've been enjoying the Euro football tournament but are not too sure about the "new" British style of play. I'm looking forward to Sunday, as the Spanish style is very different. Anything to take my mind off the mess in the US. My current fantasy is that everything will work out in the end and Trump will have to take credit for giving the US its first black female president.

Stephanie said...

Both US candidates gave speeches yesterday. Biden stumbled over names while his opponent again demonstrated that he's a deeply disturbed man who apparently lives in an alternate universe. And the attention is on Biden?

Gemma's person said...

I checked online about the hotel/cafe across the street. I would be in line to buy a cake there. :)

Jim Davis said...

What Stephanie said!

Anonymous said...

Also what Stephane said and what Lisa in France closed with.

Anonymous said...

I'm also with Stephanie (and Lisa). If this election goes the wrong way, it will be entirely due to the media's fixation on blasting Biden Every.Single.Chance.They.Get. While ignoring that his NATO colleagues have been praising the work he has done.