Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Standard behaviour.

Later today the angelic duo will be loaded into the back of the car and driven to the airport to collect Angus. Until then they will dig up the driveway, excavate mole hills and traipse mud through the house. Bob will wave his paws under the sensor that opens the automatic doors with a satisfying '' whoosh ". Sophie will glare at the young soldiers patrolling the corridors.


Virginia said...

No croissants? For shame on you!

WFT Nobby said...

Angus will surely not want to stay away from his beautiful home and its occupants for a minute longer than necessary.

Poppy Q said...

Awww your spring garden and Pons are lovely.

Lisa in Tokyo said...

Your garden drives me crazy every spring. Both wisteria and peonies are on my bucket list.

I was thinking of you when we were in the States a few weeks ago. The number of dogs was really notable, both therapy dogs and "everyone can pat to calm themselves" dogs inside security (along with the security sniffer dogs) and many welcoming dogs in the baggage area. Absolutely unthinkable in Japan, except for the sniffer dogs. I can only imagine how much Cherry would enjoy the "whoosh"!

Pam in NH said...

What a happy home! XXX

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

A visit to the airport to collect the last member of their pack, may be one of the best days ever! Wish we could all be there to watch! ! !

Emm said...

Bob and Sophie's many fans are still hoping for a video clip that shows them "whoosh"ing the airport doors.
Marvelous flowers.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Sounds like a great plan!