Saturday, July 11, 2020

Industrial length

A rather coy start to the day. Sophie has determined that she wants a lengthy chat and ear scrunching before she'll venture into the C-A-T infested world outside. Angus sits on the kitchen step and reassures her that there's nothing to worry about.  

After checking that the village is safe, dog and master head off in the car. At the cafe we find a table outside. The refuse collectors pull up in their garbage trucks and greet the family diva by name. Angus finds himself sharing the curly ends of a croissant with his shaggy companion while telling her that it's mega mega cool to be on first name terms with the front line members of the sanitation department. Sophie absorbs this knowledge with silent satisfaction. Surely, this is a level of fame the Kardashians can only dream of ? We discuss the difference between a pardon and a commutation. 

Back in the village a  hot and humid day of high excitement . Five tractors and three combine harvesters pass through.  So does a black Skoda estate car with Dutch registration plates. Madame Bay makes an appearance to check on 'The Font'. Madame Bay is wearing gold open toed sandals, a turquoise jump suit,  paisley turban, large circular pendant earrings and what appears to be an industrial length of white net curtain flung around her shoulders. There is probably a name for this look but you'd need to ask someone more fashion conscious than Angus what it is. Madame Bay brings three plastic carrier bags of Mirabelle plums that Monsieur Bay has picked from the trees behind the old garage.

So starts a Saturday morning in a French village with a croissant loving Polish Lowland Sheepdog.

Folk songs. No wonder children have nightmares . The comments are wonderful :

Miscreants in Northern Michigan :

A Twitter thread par excellence. Tolkien fans will love it, the rest of us will just marvel at happenstance :

Wow ! :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Mlle Sophie is truly the mistress of her territory - even when there are invaders! The ring connection was fascinating... YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

In a changing and sometimes disturbing world, there is something reassuring about Madame Bay's exotic fashion sense.

Camille said...

Such interesting links today. Reading the comments regarding the the folk songs made me laugh out loud. I do admire Madame Bay's fashion joie de vivre and as I grow ever older, perhaps something to strive for. Hoping that 'The Font' is feeling less swimmy today and mending well.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Angus said...

Thank you and the same for you.

Angus said...

Bemused kittens are hard for a diva to deal with. They should be quaking in terror not sitting sunbathing on top of a log pile.

Angus said...

The paisley turban is one of lifes constants.

Angus said...

The comment about 100% of Scottish folk songs end up in a drowning has clearly been researched by someone who's been to Highland pubs on a Friday night.

Pam in NH said...

Is our Diva concerned for her Mommy? Our own pup-girl can get a little clingy when someone is ill or there is upset in her surroundings. Love to all at the ROF.

Pam in NH said...

My Mother was never a fan of Disney when we were kids & we were not "encouraged" to see the movies. She did provide books, LOTS of books.
When I was a Mom, she shared that Disney tended to kill off the mother in so many stories and she thought it was too stressful for little children to take that in. Toddlers with nightmares after a movie "treat"? She had a point.