The weekend in deepest France profonde was quiet. The highlight of a hot and steamy Sunday afternoon a trip to the supermarket car wash. The rest of the world hasn't been as quiet. The news from Kabul hinting at a change in the order of things that is profound but not yet understood.
This morning is laying the groundwork for another 100 degree + day. My canine companion watches me as I check the pool equipment. By the time I reset the timer on the irrigation system her patience is wearing thin. PONs have an unmistakable ' Do get a move on !' look.
This week Angus is going to be the guinea pig for travel back to the UK. 'The Font' will stay here. No way Sophie could go into the kennels in this heat. Today I shall go the pharmacy for a Covid test. A second test is scheduled in London on Thursday morning. Travel forms have to be filled out for the airline and French and British Covid apps updated. It goes without saying that the British and French systems refuse to recognize each other. Coming back to France is easier. As I'm doubled vaxxed in France all that's required is an official attestation that I have none of the highlighted symptoms. Angus checks the highlighted symptoms and wonders in this heat how many folks could honestly say they don't feel tired or lethargic ?
I have absolutely no idea what to expect when I get to the airport. This is a strange thought for someone who spent his entire working life getting on and off planes at least four times a week.
Post tour of the village we head of to the modern cafe. While Sophie glares at the sparrows I hurry in, show the vaccine certificate on my i-Phone, order and am back before she knows I've gone. Sophie seems to be absolutely immune to separation anxiety. Perhaps because she knows we always come back.
A quick detour to the greengrocers. It's melon season. Probably a dozen types on sale.
More importantly the first of this years garlic harvest makes a muted appearance alongside the spring onions. This is the surest whisper yet that autumn is beginning to stir.
Best of luck with the trip to back to the UK. If it's 100 in SW France and low 50s here in NW Scotland (we're talking old money of course) then perhaps London, about falf way between, will be comfortably warm.
Hope that all goes well for your trip to London. It will give you some idea of what to expect if you and 'The Font' decide to travel further afield.
29º and sunny - well, what a surprise!
Poor Inca has had her walk, and been cajoled into the vet already this morning. She has a nasty rash on her head - dermatitis, due to the heat, so she had to suffer a probe, an injection, and has tablets. I almost forgot to have her dew claws trimmed, but don't think I'll tell her we have to go back again on Friday! I've yet to work out another subterfuge to get her through the door!
I look forward to reading about your experience flying and wandering around London after recently reading this about flying. Wishing you all the best for your trip to London.
Best keep Fridays return visit a secret !
I have absolutely no idea how smoothly this flight will go. Plan to be at the airport in plenty of time and try to find somewhere far away from other travellers to wait out the time until boarding. Am also planning to travel mega light with just a small backpack.
Interested to read how it goes. We're scheduled to fly to Inverness next month en route to the islands. Supposed to end up in London, but we're thinking about jettisoning that part of the trip. Though frankly, there's no place quite as dangerous at the moment as the Southern US.
Will keep you posted. My worry is the immigration line at Heathrow. If that's running smoothly then I'd feel much safer.
You can be sure that whenever Angus sets foot on British soil and heavy rain bearing front will arrive the second he tries to find a cab.
I flew back to the UK last week. It was comforting to know that every passenger on the flight (which was half empty) had had to have a negative test result (within the last three days) in order to get on the plane. Everyone was masked up and I felt very safe............much safer than after I left the UK airport and found that the lack of restrictions was embraced fully by most of the people around me.........except in Sainsbury's.
Your tile project near the pool turned out beautifully. I'm assuming the pool liner arrived, has been installed, and that you and The Font have been enjoying midnight swims!
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